A few months ago one of our travel companions who follows Fireworks and Fireflies on a semi-daily basis wrote, "Please tell me your sweet Kylie has her ornery moments..." That same week at church a friend asked me if Kylie ever cried (outside of being upset over being left in the nursery).
While we do have a child with an amazingly sunny disposition, every now and then she can throw a tantrum to rival any toddler! Here are a few sneak peaks that I've been collecting since July!
If you ever wonder why our girl grows talons, this is why...
"Mommy you must hold me on your lap! I mean NOW!!!"
This one was on our anniversary after we left a restaurant due to bad service ~ we finished the meal "take out" style.
Of course she ended up loving it when we were at the lake...
Sigh, I'm not sure if we were more upset about the milk, or the fact that she insists on using the Tarheel toothbrush over the Elmo one...
Luckily these full blown tantrums are few and far between! This little girl flips out just often enough to remind us that we too are a real family.
Too funny! I love the photos and captions.
Why am I sitting here smiling when looking at the pictures of Kylie crying? Reminds me that she is just a normal little girl. I remember some of the outstanding meltdowns when you were that age, Kristi. Was a good teaching platform for me. Learned to "pick" my battles; the art or diversion; patience; and sometimes it was just a comic relief and I would burst out laughing....which, by the way, would usually confuse you enough to stop! She is still precious when she is screaming!...spoken like a first time Grandma.
OOOOH, do I detect a little bit of what we call "the one-eyed squint"? When Caroline is particularly honked off or very sad, she cries with her one eye squeezed shut, and that last photo looks very familiar!
I love her even more because she is such a normal little girl. And it just shows that when she wants something, she really wants it. I just adore her all the time.
Okay, I am glad to see these pictures. David thought the picture of Kylie wanting to be picked up was of Maggie because she looks just like that when she wails!
Wow is she her mother's daughter or what? ha ha!!
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