What? Personality reports you ask?
I think I've mentioned before that he is currently in an AMAZING facility outside his birth province. One I've followed for quite some time. Funny how I never imagined that I'd have a child who lived there. Anyway, I was so excited the day we received our PA that I did two things. One, I stayed up half the night perusing the treasure trove that is their scrapbook section. I found over twenty photos of my son from the time he entered their care back in March of 2009 up until his birthday celebration in August. What balm to a waiting mommy's heart! Two, I excitedly emailed the director of the home with our PA to let her know that one of her sweeties had a family waiting in the US.
I had no idea that email would provide me with an even bigger treasure ~ his sponsorship reports. All of them. TWELVE pages of information about him. It's like getting to know my son via paper. And while I long for the day that I, make that we, know him in person, for now I'll take getting to know him on paper!
One thing that was mentioned several different months was that he loves to eat. I saw things like, 'healthy appetite,' 'clearly indicates his desire to eat,' and 'eating to fuel his growing body.' And there are plenty of pictures of him with food in his hands. He's gonna fit in just fine around here!
It was also mentioned several times how much he enjoys being outdoors. And if he isn't outside, apparently he is asking to be outside as shown in the picture above. He loves to run, swing, and go down a slide. Thank goodness we have a great little park within easy walking distance from our house. And if we get there on a non-crowded day, there are four swings. I'll figure out how to push four kids at the same time when we cross that bridge...
Apparently he's also pretty clever. I love how he appears to be studying something in the picture above. Several reports talk about him spending time with something until he understands how it works. And those started at about eight months. Best part of this personality trait for him? They say his eyes curve into a smile when he has something figured out!
Following his 'radical heart operation' (words from his file, not mine) he was in physical therapy to regain his strength. He enjoyed his rehabilitation exercises and likes most any form of physical activity. Despite his tiny size, from what I read, he seems to think he is rather mighty. Sounds like another little boy I know around here.
Perhaps my two favorite things I've read about him are that he is a snuggle bug and LOVES hugs and he truly seems to care for other people. There were many examples of him having a servant's heart. He is monthly noted for doing things like taking toys to children that were hurt in an effort to soothe them. And his relationship with his foster sister? His foster mother wrote that he is always asking her to do things for his sister before she does things for him. He also likes to help her rock in a rocking chair and grins when she squeals in delight.
And most excitingly, while he's celebrated his first and second birthdays without us (though certainly not without love ~ his care has been amazing), he should celebrate his third home with us.
Sweet, precious Daniel, know that we are doing all we can to get to you as quickly as possible. Your brother and sisters talk about you numerous times each and every day. We already consider you one of us, but we sure can't wait to make it official!
**Darcy had her first laser treatment today on her birthmark. Scroll down to read how she's doing. It was an extra long afternoon nap and since I've been a delinquent on my own blog as of late, I decided to try to get caught up a bit...**
It's been a while since I've played along. But it is always fun to see what other readers write about. So get on over and check out Ni Hao Y'all!

He is beautiful!! I love his name...it IS perfect. What a gift those pictures and information are. Keeping you in our prayers! Hugs and love.
He is such a beautiful little boy, I have followed him since he entered that wonderful place. You should check out www.operationgiggle.blogspot.com if you are unable to get him by Christmas. Its a wonderful place!
Daniel is a great name! And you and I have even more in common now-we are also blessed to be part of the same foster home family! Amazing is the right word, for sure!
Can't wait to follow along! :)
I'm just thrilled that this little boy is my grandson; and I love his name. He sounds like a bundle of fun. What a joy it will be to get him home so I can really get to know him. Love that he is a snuggler!! Welcome to the family Daniel.
Love, NaiNai
Oh my goodness. He is absolutely adorable. I just love the pictures of him with all his "snacks." So, so sweet.
I can't even find the words to describe how ADORABLE Daniel is. I mean, he is the cutest thing EVER!!! I can't wait till he's HOME! When, any idea when? Any guesses when? :) Tell us when, make a guess!! :)
I absolutely love the name Daniel that was actually going to be a name we used for our second child which surpised everyone when he was a she. He looks just like a Daniel. Also can I get info on the little boy Robert I have a friend that is considering another adoption and for a boy. He is so cute.
Simply Perfect!
Can't wait to see him with his FOREVER family!
I am so excited for ALL of you. Gosh, he is so cute. What a beautiful baby! I'm so glad you shared his great personality. How cool is that!!!! Thank you!
Oh I just love it ... his name, his personality, all the pictures! Just AWESOME!!
What a great name for an adorable little boy. I know all too well how wonderful that special place is, we too were so blessed to have our son there. Please feel free to e-mail if you have any questions.
Um, he TOTALLY has Caroline's LIPS! If I covered up photos of both of them, especially at that age, they would look the same!!
We're melting in a puddle over here...he's adorable.
Oh how sweet your littlest one is! And I think "Daniel" fits him perfectly.
I, too, think Daniel fits him perfectly... he is just precious. And what a wonderful gift of getting all those photos and reports! You will be able to see him from his earliest days. And, Darcy's bravery just amazes me. Still praying for a quick and complete recovery for her!
Wow Krsiti! Daniel is just ADORABLE!!! Those are definitley kissable cheeks!!
I love the name Daniel!!! He such a cutie and I can already imagine all your kids playing together. What a blessing to have so much info about him & pix already!
He's precious!
Love the name, it seems to suit him too!
HUGS to Darcy.
Daniel is a perfect name for that little cutie! He already looks like a part of your adorable crew, Kristi!
We are SO excited for you all!
And when I told my crew about Darcy's "dots" Katie Lyn said..."that sounds really cute!"
We love yall!
I'm so excited for you! Thanks for sharing the pics and his name. Daniel is great! I can wait to follow your progress!
Could he be any more adorable??? He does look like a little lover boy....I could eat him up!!! (and love the name)
Kristi, You and Ian must be bursting at the seams. Daniel couldn't be any cuter. Maybe I LOVE 2 little boys now from China....Aaron and Daniel and Caleb too...guess that makes 3. How happy you must be for God to bless you with these four children. Praying that you get him sooner than is planned.
What an adorable little man--how blessed you are to have all that information. Amazing! I wish we had more to offer our daughter about her history.
congrats to you!
He is PRECIOUS!! I can't wait to follow your journey to him, and I was thrilled to see that you have done this journey many times. Gives me courage to do it again!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, and for your encouragement!
Oh My Gosh!!! He is adorable!! I love the name Daniel!! Hoping to convince Reluctant Husband to go back for a boy!!!!
*squeals with delight* I love the name and pictures and the info about him and everything! I am so happy you decided to share your unbelievable life with us.
Thanks so much for commenting on my blog. I was thinking it was a weird post and my husband thought I was truly crazy as I tried to photograph gym equipment! His workout buddy stopped to ask me what in the world I was doing and asked if it was my proof that I was actually there. :)
Pure bliss!
I am so happy for your family and for him!!!
Oh my goodness!!!! He is soooooo cute!!! So smoochable!!
So exciting! He is darlin'!
It is so nice to "meet" you, and I can't wait to follow your journey!
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