We celebrated last night. Not just a 'hey, let's have a scoop of the Blue Bunny Peanut Butter Panic ice cream in our freezer' deal, but rather a 'let's go get some of the good stuff at our local favorite frozen custard place!' kind of evening!
The celebrated? Darcy. Her right eye to be exact.
Yes. I said we celebrated her eye. Why?
Well, before her first surgery, the pressure caused by the glaucoma in that eye was above 30. Dr. F (have I mentioned before how much we love her?) wanted to act quickly to lower that pressure as it needed to be below 20 to stop further damage to Darcy's optic nerve. Back in April the fact that my baby was having surgery just one month after she got home had my head spinning! But today I'm so grateful that we moved at a quick pace to have one surgery that was quickly followed by a second. That's because at her final surgery follow up exam this week, the pressure in Darcy's eye was 18. Yes, EIGHTEEN!!!
That means that the shunt implant ~ which has many potential complications ~ is officially off the table for now. Can I get an AMEN?
And I just have to mention that when her strong eye was patched in the doctor's office, Darcy's vision was tested at 20/60 in her 'helper eye.' Yeah, 20/60! I used the term 'helper eye' because that's what we thought her right eye would be. Kinda drastic improvement from the 'not as good as 20/400' diagnosis we were given at her first pre-op appointment with Dr. F back in March.
Using both eyes, (with her glasses) my girl now sees at 20/30. Oh, and I have to brag again to say that she now uses the letter chart instead of pictures ~ she must have a pretty good preschool teacher. ;)
To me it's all amazing when you consider what Dr. F said to me at this most recent appointment.
"I know you remember that first visit when I told you we were going to be trying to preserve light recognition in Darcy's helper eye. If you had told me that day that in six months you were hoping for pressure under 20, without an implant, AND vision in that eye of 20/60 with corrective lenses, I would have told you that you were whistling Dixie. She's a miracle child."
Some people take the position that God is no longer in the business of miracles. There was a time that I may have fallen into that camp. But today I present evidence that proves otherwise. My baby can see!
the business of miracles
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4:07 PM
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Miracles happen when you BELIEVE!!! What wonderful news Kristie - I'm praising with you!!!
Amen, sister. Pumpkin custard is the perfect way to celebrate! What an enormous blessing that Darcy's eye is doing so well. Hallelujah!
What a story- what a story to SHARE, with anyone who will listen..... keep sharing, sister!!
That is amazing news! So happy for you all and especially Darcy!
Thank you for sharing, God is truly amazing! And it proves just how much He loves His children.
Praise God from who all blessings flow!!
AMEN - I love reading stories that show God's love and that he really does perform miracles today!!
Chills on top of chills just seeing the miracle written on the blog....
YAY GOD!!!!!!!!!
YAY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rejoicing with you. Yes, HE is still in the miracle business!
Thank God! That is such awesome news!!!! How amazing is HE!
Woo hoo! That is awesome news!
So, so happy to hear of this miracle for Darcy!!! Praise the Lord! And, thanks for the encouraging comment the other day... it means a lot. :)
How glorious! Such great news that this fellow glaucoma momma needed to hear today! So happy for Ms. Darcy and the M family!!!
Praise God! Our creator and healer. We are so happy for your family and for Darcy. It is an unbelievable story unless you know who to believe in. Andy wanted to let you know that Darcy's vision is now better than his!
We love you,
Kate and Andy
What an answered prayer! So happy for Darcy and all of you!!!
I hadn't been home all day yesterday, so I hadn't read this post (or your comment on mine) before last night. While actually meeting you "in person" was certainly the highlight of the evening, coming home and reading about Darcy's miracle story made it an evening of blessing upon blessing! That is absolutely amazing...and so is He!
Praise our glorious, healing God. He is so much bigger than anything we can even imagine!
Darcy, Grandma is so thrilled that you are able to see so well. What color of patch are you wearing today?
Miracles happen every day! This is amazing! Definitely ice cream celebratin' news! :)
It's been so wonderful to see God's miracle of Darcy's life. All praises be to Him!
Wow! Amazing!! Thank you, God!!!
Praise God!!!! Amen, Amen and AMEN!!!
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