So Kylie apparently has a lot on her mind too! Just two weeks ago she was putting it plainly that she wanted to go to China to bring her sister home ~ no, no announcement to be making, it's just that Kylie is quite certain that there is a two year old girl waiting for us back in her homeland. (check it out here). Tuesday night I was putting Kylie to bed and at the beginning of prayer time I asked what she wanted to thank Jesus for that night. She responded with, "Mommy, Daddy and Kay-ub" (note the new pronunciation). I added a few things that I was thankful for and then asked if there was anything she wanted to pray about. Without taking time for a breath she said, "I pease pray for my brothers and sisters in China that they are safe and won't miss us too much before we come to meet them."
What? I asked her if she meant sister and she ever so patiently explained that no indeed, "We have two sisters and one brother waiting in China. One sister is two and the other sister and brother are five."

And since then she's been telling anyone who will listen that we have five kids in our family, two here and three still in China. Yes, our SW was one set of ears tonight. Wish I had a camera to have recorded her expression when Kylie dropped that one on her. For the record, we aren't totally ruling out the possibility of five kids, but we ARE definitely going to add them one at a time and see how each addition goes. At this point the thought of three is close to overwhelming...
Another thing was Kylie's reaction to getting ready for the SW to come tonight. I was giving the bathrooms a "deep clean" while Caleb napped (not because she was going to check to see how clean the toilets were, but because they needed it and I needed motivation to clean them). Kylie asked me what I was doing (guess I'm not as on top of the bathrooms as I used to be...) and I told her I was getting ready for someone to come to our house to check on Caleb. She pressed for more information, so I told her that a lady was going to come to make sure Caleb was doing okay and that he was happy in his new home in America. I expected her to say something along the lines of "Oh, okay," but instead she ran out of the bathroom saying, "No, NO!"
So I put down the toilet brush and went to find out what was up. I found her hiding in her Hello Kitty tent almost in tears. I did what any concerned mama would do and crawled in after her and asked what was the matter. She had a VERY concerned look on her face and said, "I don't want her to take Kay-ub away from us if he says he doesn't like it!"
Oh that poor sweet baby! After I explained much more carefully to her what was going to happen ~ and perhaps more importantly, what was NOT going to happen ~ she got a look of relief on her sweet face and offered to scrub the bathtub.
Note to self, don't give just the glazed over version to Kylie, she needs details ~ LOTS of them!
Now off to pack ~ really, I think...
Five kids - wahooo .... I think it's a GREAT number! :) Can you believe our post placements are already here, wow SIX months has flown by.
More nieces and nephews on the horizon - great. A sweet story.
Aunt Carol
I agree...five is a great number (especially 3 girls and 2 boys)! What fun it will be to watch what happens in your future :)
5 is a good number ;) - Looks like God has some big plans for your family!! Can't wait to see it all unfold!!
Have a great weekend!!!!!
5 is a GREAT number!! Of course, I better say that because I'm about to have 5!!
Out of the mouth of Babes! Sometime they know the plan better than we do... Word of advice! After 3 you can have 10 and it would be the same!
Kylie is so sweet!
How sweet! Have a great trip. Hope for sunny weather.
I agree w/ the other posts! Five is a great number!! :) love yall!
Wow, five is impressive! I think I would be looking into countries that have sibling group adoptions :0)
Emily is the exact same way with details. "No" is rarely good enough...she always wants the why, then she's happy to comply. Look out, the bigger she gets the more details she'll want to give. Remember the post I just wrote on listening!
Oh that makes my heart hurt imagining her fear of loosing Caleb.
She is a free spirit and a loving one too! Caleb is lucky to have a sister who loves him sooo much!
Aunt cici
Te last part of your post just about broke my heart! Kylie is so, so sweet and has such a big heart for her brother. And, apparently, all of her brothers and sisters-- including the ones in China!! :-)
Such a sweetie -- worry for her brother -- and for her other brother & sisters!
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