

Our family through Kylie's eyes

So they say that children are colorblind when it comes to race. Today after Caleb began his nap Kylie and I took some time to play together before she started hers. She wanted to play with her Little People schoolhouse and after we practiced several numbers, talked about colors and let the kids have recess, I asked her which of the people looked like her. Here were the choices:
And here was her answer ~ First she chose herself, then Caleb, then Mommy, then Daddy. (They are in order from left to right in the photo).

She pointed out to me that she was wearing the hairbow (funny because she has refused to wear one for months now) and that I had the headband (also funny because I never wear them because they give me a headache). I also love how I'm the Asian girl...

Then she asked me which one was Unca Adam, so I asked her which one she thought and here was her selection ~ followed of course by Aunt CiCi because you can't have one without the other!
This little guy has a "packpack" and that seemed to be the deciding factor on which was Adam ~ not real sure what made her select Traci...

Then of course she had to finish out the family by selecting her beloved "dahamas." She didn't share her logic with me on these two, but first you have LaoLao (my mom) followed by NaiNai (Ian's mom).
Perhaps kids really are colorblind?

**I'm sure that one day Kylie will kill me for sharing this, but a funny happened at lunch that just can't be passed up! I was sitting beside her while the kids slurped up their Oodles of Noodles and suddenly I hear a little gas being passed. I looked over at Kylie (who NO DOUBT was the culprit) and asked, "Kylie, did you just toot?" She starts to nod, but then grins mischievously and answers, "Nope, it was Ta-eb!" How has she learned to pass the buck already?


Nicole said...

Gotta LOVE that!!!

Regina said...

That is to cute!!!

Sharon said...

How funny! Hudson always has to name his little people "Jojo, Mei mei, Kk and Hudson......" Jordan is the black one that cracks us up...Hudson is white with glasses???
Glad your home!!

Traci said...

Nice! I love the toot comment, I can just see her little cheeks pucker as she was trying to hide her grin!
Also love the little people choices. Love Adam and I. Those are hilarious! I love that little bug!

Jordan Carl said...

That's so funny! I really thought the part where you were the Asian was funny too. I miss you all... or y'all as you would say! Love ya cuz

Nancy said...

Ahhh... they are definitely siblings now! Blaming one another for tootin' and other stuff!

Anonymous said...

So, I love the fact they haven't bathed since Sunday and they have slept in their clothes :) You are definitely a "normal" mom!!!

Tricia said...

That's really funny. You do wonder what kids see and think. My kids still don't think we are white...we're more brown they say. :)

I'm glad you returned to a wonderful homecoming. You are so blessed.

Our Journey said...

I love the little people story! What's funny in our house -- when Anne Marie toots -- she owns it - big time! She declairs outloud "I tooted a big one mommy"!! Kids are just sooo funny!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the fact that the little ones are color blind! So sad that it gets taught to them later in life....Jesus says that we should all be like children.
And the blaming begins...Caleb did it! haha I can just see that mischievious little grin on Kylie's face. Just wait until Caleb can understand English - believe he'll stand up for himself adamantly.
Love, LaoLao