

Becoming a "Little Mommy"...

I've been getting the camera back out the past few days (just no time to sit down and post ~ ACK, how can it already be the 21st? So much to do, so little time...) and as I finally found time to upload them to my computer tonight, I noticed that there were several with her baby.

Kylie doesn't care to sleep with baby, but when she's awake, she sure likes to "mother" her!

"Here's a pretzel from my chex mix (a new popular snack around our house) baby. Do you like it?"

If Kylie has her way, baby and her stroller go with us everywhere ~ she's even pushed her around the grocery several times. Here she's watching her at church during our cantata practice Tuesday night. Don't you just love her method of getting her mitten off?
**One thing to note, the stroller is now broken ~ apparently the manufacturer's warning to not let your child sit in it should be followed. Guess cheap material is no match for a 29 pound darling!

"Just one story before nap-time today baby, this is a long one!"

Can't she just stay a little baby herself for a bit longer?


Laurie said...

OH, these pictures are precious! I love watching her baby her baby- adorable! You say 29 pounds? SERIOUSLY? She's a healthy little girl! :)

Our Journey said...

How sweet -- Anne Marie is getting the same doll for Chistmas this year! How sweet are the pictures of her feeding her baby!!

Anonymous said...

What cute pictures. She is becoming her own little individual self. Each day it is fun to hear her new adventures.

Thanks for your diligence, Kristi.
The blog is the first thing I look at on my computer each day at work.
It is hard to wait to see her from Sunday to Sunday. This really helps!
