Just over five months ago Ian and I had one of our first "brilliant moments in parenting..." We decided that giving Kylie a bath on the first night would be a good idea. After all, she was dirty (not to mention VERY sweaty) and a warm bath always soothes me before bed. Looking back now I see that maybe waiting until the next day would have been a good idea. Let's just say that when we watched the video that Uncle Adam lovingly took that we were amazed at our astounding inexperience...
Now fast forward five months. (Funny that I actually took the next photos exactly five months later, without really meaning to) After some "bath time therapy" with Caroline while we were still in China (it began to help ~ click here to see) and many more sudsy times since, Kylie is now a fan. Actually it began to happen the first time we bathed her here at home. She actually enjoyed her first bath in her "ducky bathroom" here. That is until it was suds time... Washing her hair or body brought about cries of protest until just recently. I guess she has started to like my funny rendition of "Mommy's making bubbles on your head" ~ composed of course by me ~ as I wash her hair. These days she looks forward to bath time. Yes, I'm serious! Just take a look...
And she would have done just that if I hadn't finally dropped the camera to stop her! Oh, and did I mention that last week we stopped using the little inflatable tub? The days of having a baby are slowly slipping into memory...
That is so funny that she was bringing over the step stool to get in herself :-)
we're still bathing darby in the kitchen sink. i think mom's having trouble allowing her baby to grow up......okay, dad is too.
Too funny ... the photos of her climbing in, not the first bath ever experience.
Seeing the picture of the first night in China just brings tears of joy, sadness, elation, awe - all at once. Now to see her 5 months later is just one of God's miracles! There is no doubt that He has brought her a long way in learning to love and trust. Praise Him!
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