

Sunset Beach 2014 {our nightlife}

I would say that of all the traditions our family holds, of all the things our kids expect from year to year, the ONE thing that they anticipate the most is our trip to Sunset beach with their cousins.

And when I say beach, I mean beach.  As in the sand and the surf.  Cause we are those people that pack sandwiches and more snacks that you can imagine and schlep tons of stuff down from the house around 10 and stay until the food is gone and bellies are rumbling.  

Every year we say that maybe this year we'll go see the USS North Carolina or that we'll check out that planetarium or go play putt putt.  And every year we spend our days soaking up the sun, building castles in the sand and surfing and swimming to our heart's content.  (this is what our days during beach week look like)

But eventually each day everyone is sanded and ready for a shower.  And then there is the question of what to do with the evening.

Typically that is answered by eating.

Either down in Calabash for dinner at Captain Nance's...

...or for ice cream at the creamery.

Occasionally we'll take a walk on the beach by moonlight,

and there is the annual trip to Callahan's of Calabash to pick out an oranament from St. Nick Nacks.

But usually leaving the beach house after showers means getting our Sunset slush on the island

or partaking in a bag of carefully selected salt water taffy from Wee R Sweets after our crab leg feast.

Or, on the best day of all, heading back down to the beach for foil packet dinners...

...what could be better than a great meal with a view?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, this makes me long for August. Love seeing the kids all wearing the same color scheme. This week is the best week of the year!