

a few resources

So.  This journey we're on again.  As a couple it is the most challenging thing we've allowed God to guide us through and, at the same time, the most rewarding.  It's ugly and beautiful, exhausting and refreshing, and most of all, life changing...for all seven of us.

leaving the hunan province civil affairs an official family of seven

As friends and family have followed the rebirth of our family as we've gained a member,  a few have emailed or commented that they wonder if adoption is somewhere God is leading their family.  I love that people are open to asking the question.  It may be, it may not be, but people are willing to ask themselves.

And if you're wondering the same thing, I want to share with you three upcoming opportunities I know of in North Carolina for you to go and learn more.

The first is for folks in the 'Queen City' area of NC.  On Thursday, October 17 there will be an informational meeting hosted by Christian Adoption Services.  (use this link to view a brochure ~ we used CAS this go 'round for our home study and they were GREATBoth domestic and international adoption will be addressed.  Attending is not committing to beginning the adoption process, it is just a place to have some questions answered and learn how to get started.

The second is for those in the greater 'Triangle area.'  On Monday, October 21, America World Adoption will be holding an Adopted by Design seminar which is a multi-media presentation designed to answer many questions about the how and why of international adoption.  This particular seminar (use this link to register) is in Burlington, but you can scroll the list to find other upcoming seminars in other areas of the country.  (We used AWAA for our first two adoption processes and have many good things to say about them)

The third is for folks in the eastern part of the state.  On Saturday, November 9, Wilson Community Church is hosting a day long conference called An Orphan's Hope.  The keynote speaker will be Orphanology author Tony Merida and there will be several informational breakout sessions including, Is adoption right for us?, International vs. Domestic, and Adopting Older Children/Special Needs.  Ian and I have the opportunity and are prayerfully considering sitting in on the panel as parents of special needs children (I know, I have a hard time remembering that we fit that category) to give input on special needs adoptions.

While they have no NC seminars coming up,  I need to give a shout out for Lifeline Children's Services.  We've used them three times now and LOVE them.  If however, you live in AL or MS, check out this link to attend a session in the next two months!

And I'd be remiss if I left this out.  If you've already wrestled with the question, and know that adoption isn't for your family but you want to be involved in caring for the orphaned children of the world, let me know if you need to find a way to make a difference.  There are SO MANY things you can do..


Anonymous said...

That would be us. We wanted to adopt, but God said no. However, we are still very passionate about caring for the orphaned. Please let me know what we can do.

Unknown said...

I love this Kristi. You are right there are MANY ways to help!

Parker said...

Kristi, Eileen Mestas who wrote "More than I Can Handle" let me know about an orphan conference at her church on November 10th. Here's the link: This would be a good intro for folks considering adoption. It's at Northwake Church in Wake Forest. Let me know if you decide to go as I'd love to see you. Kimberly

Mrs. CP said...

Thanks to your encouraging post, we were inspired to foster 2 little boys at New Day Foster home each month. The whole family is excited! Just wanted to let you know and to say thank you! :)