

so much to tell's been a few days.

Tuesday was amazing; taking Natalie to the consulate, visiting NDS, and someone beginning to show a change of heart toward me.
Wednesday we traveled about 1200 miles closer to home as we flew back to the capital city.
Today we spent at the worlds most recognized man-made landmark.
And tomorrow we fly home.

I have fabulous photos and so many thoughts to share.

But the "great firewall" is defeating me and I'll have to share all the details and what is on my heart after I get back to the land of sweet tea and hamburgers on the grill.  

I'll try to get over to FB one last time, but am not sure I'll be able to do so.  If you want our flight info for tomorrow night and don't see me post there, either get in touch with my sister or Glenda...I trust them to share with friends.

**I don't remember exactly how posting via email works, so I'm hoping this will show up...**


likeschocolate said...

So happy it is going so well! Have a safe flight home and hope the jet lag is easy on you!

Anneli said...

Have a safe trip back, thinking of you! It was WONDERFUL meeting you in person (finally)! :)
