

our garden: seedlings

A few days after we worked the soil, it was finally time to open all those packets of seeds!
While the crew enjoyed digging up the grass, collecting worms, and working the soil, this was the part they had long awaited.

The leader of the pack, obviously knowing more about plants with her two years of science experience at school, oversaw production.  She modeled proper seed planting techniques and came up with homemade plant markers using toothpicks and recycled paper scraps.

Everyone enthusiastically pitched in and with four sets of hands dropping seeds and creating identification markers, the actual planting went rather quickly.

Within a matter of about 30 minutes there were sugar pea, snow pea, pole bean, bush bean, Asian eggplant, cantaloupe, broccoli, cauliflower, beet, zucchini, two types of cucumber, and four types of tomato seeds safely deposited into two trays full of little seedling cups.

Next step, waiting.

And waiting.

And waiting some more for tiny green leaves to emerge from the soil.


Traci said...

I love the waiting process. The kids are always so excited when the green finally emerges!

Amy Murphy said...

Ewen would LOVE that! I have whatever is opposite of a green thumb! :( Also, we have the same Lightening McQueen cups!