This afternoon while the kiddos were napping Ian rearranged the seating in the van. So when we went for our Father's day ice cream treat, this was the view from the front!
Less than 32 hours to departure...
This afternoon while the kiddos were napping Ian rearranged the seating in the van. So when we went for our Father's day ice cream treat, this was the view from the front!
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11:33 PM
I, for one, cannot WAIT to see your little man in his carseat with his siblings! Oh what a happy day that will be!! It's coming SOON now!!!! :) YEAH!
Very cool!
Love that view! Won't be long! :)
Have an amazing wonderful trip!! God's blessings on the flights, gotcha, transition, and return!! Be safe M family!!!!
The Danielson's
What a cute photo!-Joy
So excited to following your journey - will be praying for you!
Rachel (a fellow AOW volunteer:))
good gracious, could Caleb be ANY cuter in those glasses? So sweet. And my friend, I love the view! Any more and you will need a sprinter van, ha! (which I am trying to convince my husband we NEED) :)
So cute! Cant wait to see a full van! Have a great trip!
Sweet! How exciting!!!
Very exciting!! :)
Looks like you can still fit another car seat between the girls..hehe just saying! So excited for you guys. Have a safe journey. We will have all of you in our prayers.
Julie Shively
And what a great view it is! (And hey, look at that empty place right there in the back. :)
Jeepers!!!! That made my tummy do a flip for joy!!! LOVE IT!!! Can't wait to see your journey!!!
Can't wait until you get back. Please know that our prayers go with you and our Lord goes before you! We are so privileged to walk this walk with you as the M. 5 become the M. 6. We love all of you!
I laughed when we saw the carseat picture... we have 3 of the same 4 carseats you do:) We just need our LOA so we can fill carseat #5!
Wow, that is wild seeing 4 carseats! Can't wait to see that same photo with all the carseats occupied!
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