This morning at breakfast Ian had to take Caleb to the bathroom. While they were gone I saw a "grandmotherly" aged woman approaching our table (from behind me) and my heart began to sink as I thought, "Oh no, not again..." (This is the generation that we've had the most seemingly disapproving stares come from). And then she came over, pointed to my girls and gave me a big thumbs up with a smile. I'm quite sure that she was sent to me as an answer to prayer!
**If this makes no sense, read the post below. Oh, and in an update, Caleb's fever is 102.1. He seems to be feeling okay now, and we're getting ready to put all three down for an early nap as we have to check out of the hotel before normal nap time. Thanks for continued prayer for him to make a quick recovery! More from GZ where we get to meet up with the rest of our travel group!**
Just had to share
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9:51 PM
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Don't you love how God shows up and answers prayers at the perfect time. Praying for sweet Caleb and your trip to GZ.
Yay! I prayed for you for the staring people and for strength today. Very cool that that lady was encouraging to you.
I'm so sorry that Caleb is sick. I hope that you had some medicine or something you can give him to make him feel better, and I hope the other kids don't catch whatever he has.
Yay! That is awesome. Still prayin'!
I feel like I know you! I love reading all of your updates and am so inspired by you and your wonderful family. Yeah for the grandmother and her thumbs up! Glad it could help your day.
Love the thumbs up! Praying for Caleb.
caroline and i are really excited for you guys. sounds like Darcy is integrating quite well into the Miller family. we can't wait to meet the new member of the family.
glad to hear that Caleb is feeling better. know how hard it is to be sick while on the road...even more difficult when it is one of your children.
you guys are in our thoughts often. safe travels.
chad & caroline
Praying, praying, praying.
Ann Marie
AWESOME!!! I thought after I posted my last comment I should have told you after our rude encounters we had two "thumbs up" was a young man at the zoo who gave me an orange and told my guide to tell us we were very good people and another was a young man at a museum who thanked us for taking care of their children. SO prayed that you would have the same experience...
Praying for Calebs fever to return to normal!
Yes, God is good!! I remember the rude stares too...Guangzhou is so much easier as you already know. I have so enjoyed following your journey so far. Hugs and prayers from the states~
That's good to hear. After I left my comment last night, I hope you know I was referring to the shrieking at my house. :)
Praying Caleb feels better quickly!
I lived in China for two years and got stared at all the time. My curly hair or something:) I was also told I had a big nose, big ears, was fat (I wasn't at the time, but I am now!) It wasn't considered rude, but it was still hard for me to get used to.
I speak Mandarin and some of the comments I heard while adopting my daughter with a PWS birthmark were very hard. I even responded to some of them. The one I still remember and still hurts my heart was, "She is so beautiful" (referring to my older daughter) "He is so ugly with such an ugly face. Why would anybody want that ugly boy?" (the boy she was referring to was my daughter dressed in pink. She didn't know I could understand her hurtful words. I pretended I couldn' was easier that way...)
Another comment that made me shudder, came from a doctor in the the vascular anomalies clinic at Children's Hospital. I showed him my daughter's picture before I adopted her and he said, "why are you adopting one with such a big birthmark? Doesn't China have a lot of other girls?"
"I'm adopting her because she is my daughter." I said and left it at that.
Needless to say, I found another doctor.
There will be more comments and more stares...especially after a laser treatment...just to warn you...
Yeah! God answered one prayer, now we'l continue to pray that He answers the other. And a few prayers for safe travel to Gz just might get in there too :0)
God does send angels just when we need them for encouragement or help. Praying that Caleb is all better in Gz and that the rest of you stay healthy.
That is great! I am so happy prayers are being answered!!!! YIPPIE!!!
AUnt Cici
I am adding my prayers to the rest that Caleb's fever has subsided and the stares go away. I am glad the old woman reaffirmed that some in China are happy for you and the kids. I'm glad you are now in Gz and hopefully able to relax. It is so great to see how well Darcy is fitting in and how supportive Kylie and Caleb are. It just feels so natural to me. I miss all of you and can hardly wait until the 4th.
Love you, Grandma M.
Just had to hop over and take a look at your blog. It has been a long day and I haven't had time to read your posts yet, but I LOVE the photos! A picture truly can say a 1000+ words! Your little ones are just precious. Praying Caleb is well soon. Can't wait to read more of your travels.
waiting on our TA
hoping to travel in April!
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