This may look like the face of a chocolate milk loving two year old boy.But don't let that face fool you, he's quite the little connoisseur!
You see, Caleb detests milk and all things dairy ~ with the exception of Danimals yogurt smoothies (which thankfully have no high fructose corn syrup), Yoplait's Dora yogurt (he only eats the strawberry-banana and vanilla flavors), whatever kind of cheese stuff it is in Taco Bell's chicken quesadilla, and occasionally the cheese on pizza. So it's been somewhat of a challenge to get this little growing guy the calcium his body needs.
And while it was over a year before Kylie ever tried chocolate milk (not because I was mean, but why offer it to her if she liked white milk just fine?) we quickly found ourselves trying to woo Caleb over with the sweet stuff. Kylie happily offered him a sip of hers one day, nice and chocolaty ~ made with Hershey's syrup ~ and he took one mouthful and then opened his mouth in disgust and let it run down his face. Then started the "Yu-hee, yu-hee!" and a suspicion of ever drinking after Kylie again. So we let it rest and decided that if I had to buy 24 Danimals smoothies a week to get him his calcium, so be it.
Until he decided to make a liar out of me at BJ's the other day. The sweet, grandmotherly sample lady was there trying to get us to buy HUGE containers of Nesquik. She asked me if I wanted to try some chocolate milk and while it sounded good, I remembered my recent swearing off of sweets, smiled politely and said, "No thanks." Then from the car part of the shopping cart comes, "I want some Mommy!" So I figured why not, they had been good up to this point, and it may just buy me enough time to finish up my meat stocking trip without a meltdown.
I go to grab two cups (out of habit) and at the last second only reach for one. The lady says that I can take one for each of the kids and I smile and explain to her that my son hates milk so much that he won't even drink it in chocolate form. I hand a cup to Kylie and prepare to go on my way when Caleb starts hollering, "E tu Mom-ee!" The lady sweetly says, "You can just throw it away if he doesn't like it," so I grab one (and some napkins) and prepare for the milk running down his face and onto the floor.
What does he do? Spew milk like a chocolate volcano, making a complete mess of his smart little polo shirt, the cart, and the surrounding floor? Of course not! He slugs it back like it's water and he's been in the desert for a week without a drop to drink. The lady smiles at me (I think almost with a sweet "I told you so" kind of look) as I humbly grab the ginormous container of chocolate crack powder and put it in my cart. So much for consistency.
By the way, it isn't just a change of taste on the chocolate milk thing. Last night I made Kylie some chocolate milk with the Hershey's and Caleb tasted it and spit it out, but chugged his glass I made a few minutes later with the Nesquik. To me chocolate milk is chocolate milk, but to the connoisseur...
Chocolate milk connoisseur
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4:24 PM
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Funny story!
Maddy hates milk too. Of all flavors! We give her V8 smoothie juice in Strawberry Banana and Tropical Colada flavors to get her some calcium. I know they have sugar in them but she will not do any dairy except whipped yogurt on rare occasion. UGH
Uncle Roger would give a high five on the chocolate milk with Hershey syrup, but would say the Nesquik is a step in the right direction! Love, Aunt Nancy
No way is all chocolate milk the same. I ask my kids every morning, Hersheys or Nesquick. Right now they are on a major Nesquick kick. I'm glad he likes it. That will make things much easier on you.
BTW, those collages are super easy @ I'm wondering what the images look like if you print them out. Those two pictures I put together of Abby & Kylie were done there.
First of all the picture of Caleb is so GOOD, what a great shot. And as usual I was laughing ... chocolate crack, ha!
I'm so glad you found something that is working for him. Any port in a storm, right. Even if it is "Chocolate Crack"...too funny!
Have you tired freezing Go-gerts? Em loves them and if they start out frozen in her lunch box, they are still cold by lunch time.
That is hilarious!
How funny! I laughed outloud at the chocolate crack comment. And you're not a mean mom, we've never had chocolate milk yet either -- Anne Marie LOVES regular, so I figure she gets enough "junk" other places!
I also have a chocolate milker in the house! she doesn't care what kind it is as long as it is chocolate!! Just like a girl huh?
Ah humble pie, wish it tasted as sweet as Nesquick. LeighAnna's been asking for "Pink milk" just like Lola on the TV show. I remember growing up drinking the pink powder (sometimes without even mixing it) but there is NO way I would let her know it still exists. She'd never drink the white stuff again!
I am finally learning the blogger "stuff" and wanted to join your follower group. Who says old dogs can't learn new tricks? I have to go with Kylie on the Hershey syrup but whatever works. Aunt Carol
What a wonderful story - you tell stories so well!! I love how kids can make liars of parents so easily. And I know the lady was amused. But I am so happy that you have found a milk product that Caleb enjoys. It is such an important part of his diet and this will make it so much easier for you. Now I hope he doesn't change his mind and leave you with a ton of Nesquick to drink. haha
Love, NaiNai
Don't want to get you down or anything, but our daughter home 6 months, well, she wouldn't eat alot of things we tried to give her, like eggs and yogurt and now she eats them all, just when I think I have her figured, she changes her mind! UGH frustrating! We still have Em on formula, because that is what they had her on in China, and it's the only milk she'll still drink :) Expensive milk, but hey!
LOVE that face...and I bet it's even cuter with a Nesquick milk mustache!
That is so cute! I can just see you standing there thinking, OH SURE, NOW you drink it! :)
Read this earlier and I bought Chocolate milk today...made me want it...LOL!
WooHoo, a breakthrough! I will be sure to have Hershey's and Nesquik when you get to Charlotte next time. I can just picture Caleb with millk running down his chin and body. I've seen him do that with other food. Boy, if he doesn't like it, it just comes flying back out of his mouth. Then that innocent little face looking back at you like nothing happened! haha
Gotten love children.
Love, Lao Lao Shultz
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