Cautiously I say that we seemed to have turned a corner in Kylie and Caleb's relationship. Maybe just over three months is what it took for her to realize that he isn't going back, maybe it's his rapidly developing language, maybe God has simply intervened...
Not to say that they don't still have moments each day, because they do, but it is controllable now. I've also started to see some downright heartwarming moments and I just had to share two from the last few days.This picture is precious to me because it shows Kylie ~ whose expression shows that she knows how much fun "blowflowers" are (for a quick blast from the past, check out the short video of her searching for blowflowers last April here) ~ getting ready to share something new with Caleb (whose expression shows that he has no idea what is about to come). And take a minute with me if you will to really appreciate this picture. It makes me smile because it makes me think of the very character of God. Can't you just picture His face as he presents us with something new? We may be apprehensive at first because of the unfamiliarity (as Caleb is), but God just stands and smiles as He knows what joy He has in store for us (Kylie's smile).
And then we get it too...
I love the joys that our Heavenly Father sends us, both great (like Fireworks) and small (like Fireflies and blowflowers)!
Another heartwarming snippet out of our life happened yesterday. It was beautiful outside (though chilly) and after naps the kids and I headed to the park. When we walk to the park, I always take the double stroller just in case one (or both) of them decides that their legs are tired. We also took Maya with us, so my hands were full ~ literally! As we walked, Caleb wanted to hold my free hand (because yes, I have mastered pushing a double jogging stroller over uneven sidewalks while grasping an 85 pound dog's leash in the same hand at the same time). Then of course Kylie wanted to hold my hand too. That meant that Caleb had my pointer and middle fingers and Kylie had my ring and pinky fingers to grasp.
This awkward positioning went on for several steps until Caleb started pulling Kylie's hand off mine and I figured the "happy walk to the park" was going to be over. Instead, he grabbed Kylie's hand firmly in his little one and started smiling the biggest smile you've ever seen. Kylie grinned over his head at me and said, "Look mommy, it's our special time!"(which is what she and I call the first 30 minutes of Caleb's nap that we spend together each day) and then he dropped my hand and they ran along in front of me holding hands and singing the ABC's. After they got a few steps ahead, Kylie looked over her shoulder and called, "Hey Mommy, you should take a picture!" And wouldn't you know that I didn't have a camera with me...
But that moment will be etched in my mind forever as I knew right then that while they are going to have their share of arguments ~ and probably some physical fights too ~ that they are going to have some moments of sweet sibling love. Thank you God for such simple blessings!
A story of blowflowers and special time
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3:04 PM
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Stored up in heaven, I'm positive...
LOVE IT! Your analogy to God showing us joy is so true! I just loved those pictures- just precious! So far Allison is being most sweet to Aaron in her prayers, but hopefully it will transfer to real life in the next few months. You give me hope! :)
Praise God. What sweet pictures.
Sooooo sweet!!!
That is sweet. Good for you and good for Kylie and Caleb. What a difference it makes in your day when everyone gets along.
i'm a blog stalker...i know doug and natalie and marisa and their family, and i started reading your blog back when you all were in china getting your daughters. i read regularly but just had to comment today. i LOVE the pictures and your analogy to how we first respond to the LORD. it really touched something in me. so, thank you and i hope the peace continues in your household.
Love that post!! There are so many times I "catch" a moment like that between Hudson and one of the kids. The other day I saw Jordan walk but Hudson, stop, grap his head in his hands and kiss him on the forehead. This from the 16 year old that won't let me hardly touch him. THOSE are what we will remember, not the bickering.
This was a beautiful post... it made me cry!
Awe. I wish you had a picture of the holding hands. They are so precious!
Looking back at Kylie last year it is amazing how much she has grown and how much her speach has developed!
I am sure Kylie is going to teach Caleb many many things!
Love you guys,
Aunt Cici
I loved that post!!! Just absolutely wonderful!
What a beautiful post with a wonderful analogy. Love it!
PS~ I think Snuggies are rather hokie, too! :)
Simply precious...!
Oh...I love that story!!! Sooo sweet!!
I'm a lurker but I had to comment because I love this post. The pictures of your children sharing this joy and the picture of God sharing joy with us really touched me. Thank you for the sweet message!
Mommy to Lila from
Guangxi China
Oh, my heart is smiling!!!
I'm so glad God has helped you turn the adjustment corner. What a sweet answer to prayer.
How have I lived 38 years and never, real ever, heard those called "blowflowers?" We called them "wishing flowers" because we made a wish before we blew on them...I guess like candles... I LOVE blowflowers though. You have renamed them for my family forever!
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