...TWICE yesterday. Can you tell? I'm still not sure which outfit I like better ~ what do you think?

In each case she'd disappear into her room yelling, "Don't worry mommy, I can get dressed all my by self!" And then she'd reappear with a new outfit. I had to wonder what tomorrow might bring! Luckily today she chose her little blue and pink track suit and even chose a white ringer tee that has pink sleeves. I tried to snap a picture of her wearing it with the tacky orange headband that she acquired at CCC staff training this past summer, but when she saw the camera she took it off and refused to put it back on ~ I suppose she realized it clashed a bit...
I don't know that you can even compare those two outfits. They portray totally different looks. One may be described as a bit yuppyish and the other a little more rockerish. (I realize those probably aren't real words). Are those the shoes your mom bought her last Saturday when she and I were out? They are so cute!!!
Outfit #1 looks pretty snazzy if you ask me! :) At least she put a whole outfit together- pretty cool! Nothing like that at our house- the clothes are up too high! :)
Oh I gotta love the boots -- but maybe that's becuase Anne Marie would wear her boots w/ every outfit we put on her & now I'm a little partial to them!
Kristi, I think it only gets worse! At least with Anna we lay out the whole outfit the night before and I can ok it before I get a shock at 6am. Ju will wear whatever I ask her to on the other hand!!
Oh and Caleb with the yogurt filled belly button was too cute!
Too, too cute!!!! Look out for the tween years!!!
Just to funny! I have a little
"I do it Myself" princess too... I bet she changes 3 times a day... I always laugh but sometimes I want to scream..
Do you think Kylie could come over and dress some of the children here? I am past the point of matching, I think totally dressed is good, and she doesn't clash, so maybe I could hire her to come help out here?
LOL! very cute.
BUT I have enough laundry to do, so that might drive me a bit nuts ;)
I'm going to have to go with the pink t-shirt and the go-go boots... She looks awesome! Sarah has been saying "It's fine, mama!" all the time--her way of telling me to lay off, and that's she's got it all under control...
WOW!!! Fashion queen here she comes! Too cute!
Aunt Cici
I am a boot girl myself!!!!
Kylie has good taste. Maybe she can give me fashion advice!! She sure looks cute.
Love, NaiNai
Kylie, girl you are stylin'!!
Opinionated at 2 - wait until she is 10! Looks like you received the package - those seem to be the red patent leather shoes in the first outfit picture. Kylie, you are doing a good job. Dahma loves you.
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