

Hokie, hokie, hokie hi! Tech, tech, VPI...

***So today it is "monsoon raining" outside! I took the kids to yet another area mall because I had heard that the play area was the best around. And I'm sure it was...
Yes, I said WAS! Apparently some yahoo at the mall decided that for the Christmas season it would be a good idea to take OUT the great kids play area and replace it with extra seating at the food court. Now I do hate searching for a seat in a crowded food court, but not as much as I hate telling my kids that we'll go to the play area if they are good so I can take something back to a store and then the play area IS NOT THERE!!!
So we ended up eating at the food court and then driving home. Right now the kiddos are both snoozing and I'm sitting in the semi-darkness of our living room with just the tree lights on. Guess I got the love of a Christmas tree from my mom. I used to laugh when I'd call her in December and her response to "whatcha doing?" was "Sitting with just the tree lights on remembering..." I get it now Mom!***

Sunday our family sported Hokie colors to celebrate winning the ACC tournament game. Ian is perhaps one of the most loyal fans that I know, but sadly this football season coincided with one of the busiest falls of our life! He only got to watch one game in its entirety, and that was Saturday's game. It's rather cheesy, but I wish you had seen the smile on his face when I pulled out every one's Hokie shirts to wear after church on Sunday.
It was a gorgeous day outside and we spent some time playing while my sister took about 150 pictures for us. Here are some of my favorites!

Hokie fans for sure! Every time Kylie sees football on TV she yells, "Go Hokies!"

Family play time

Kylie found a "secret hiding place" in the magnolia tree, it brought about memories of my sister and I playing in our neighbor's tree when we were little tykes.
Oh, and please note the grass stain on her knee. That is a first ever for her! Our house has become a bit more "rough and tumble... For instance, she has started running down the hall, stopping as soon as she hits the dining room, and seeing how far she can slide on her knees across the floor. Her knees are so bruised and now I'm understanding how jeans get worn out at the knees!

A little parent fun with the kiddos.
(Remember you can click on the pictures to see them larger ~ the smile on Kylie's face in the left photo is worth it!)
Hokie kiddos.
Still one of Kylie's favorite activities! (Ian almost didn't want me to post this one for fear that the CCAA would see it and declare us unfit parents ~ she was on the way down when the picture took!)

It's not usually Kylie that I have to chase around...
And then there is my boy!
My very favorite shot of the day!
Play and photo time wore my littlest tornado flat out!

I'm sure you are exhausted after all that picture viewing, but I need some advice. Should I be concerned that there is not one, (none, nada, zilch, big fat goose egg) vegetable that Caleb will eat right now? (Oh, wait, he will eat tomato sauce on cheese or pepperoni pizza, but if he sees anything else on the pizza, you can forget it!) Last night the kid found one tiny bit of shredded carrot that I hid in a bite of cheesy rice that he was chowing on. Seriously, how did he even detect it in that rice? But sure enough he made a dreadful face, stuck his fingers in his mouth, and out came the TINY bit of carrot. And Tuesday night I made our favorite way to use up leftover pork ~ pork fried rice. You simply stir-fry some carrot, red bell pepper, celery, and onion and then add the cubed pork. Scramble some eggs and dump in rice and a few tablespoons of soy sauce. Everyone in the family cleaned up their plates and had seconds, except for the one that developed taste buds in China...
For real, he baffles me on his eating! I've found a handful of things to keep him alive, but he refuses to eat what the family is eating (most of the time) and I have issues with fixing him something different. I'm open to suggestions! Help me please!


Melissa said...

OK, now I REALLY like you. My sister was a Hokie, and was in the Marching Virginians! We are a family of Hokie fans and Nittany Lions! Too funny!!!

Our Journey said...

I LOVE the pictures of your family outside!!! Now, as for veggies: my friend just bought a book called "Deceptivley Delicious" (By Jessica Sienfield) - there is also one called The Sneaky Cheff (By Missy Lapine) .. it's all about taking your cooked veggies & making "babyfood" (basically) out of them & adding them in other things. Exp: Pureed squash added to mac-n-cheese - or pureed cauliflower into mash potatoes, pureed spinich into brownies (ugh??). Now, I don't know how much time you have on your hands, so maybe see if the Library has it & see how hard it is?!!?

Anonymous said...

Okay, I am thinking you should call Jad's mom. Remember his stories of the hidden broccoli. There is a cookbook called Deceptively Delicious by Seinfield's wife. I of course am the mean mother who never gave in. I know it seems rough and like they will starve, but they won't. I always fixed at least one thing Sera would eat at each meal, but didn't work the meal around it. One day, I think when she was 7, a light bulb went off and she decided to just be quite and eat what I gave her. We still have a few battles, but even Tim remains amazed. He says he would have never been so persistent, but he would tell anyone to tough it out. I have a few friends who are short order cooks, but that is not for me. I am all for getting a meal on the table for my kids, but I don't run "you can have it your way" Burger King. He will adapt, it will just take time. If you give in, he won't ever even want to try things. Some days my kids even thank me for caring enough about their health and them to cook them meals and have them eat vegetables. They will make comments about their friends parents who feed them via drive thru on a nightly basis. When I serve broccoli, they know I love them. (Yes we have enjoyed the drive thru conveniences, but I do consider it a pleasure to get to provide meals for my family when at all possible.) Be patient. Hang in there.....

Okay and for Ian--glad he is a loyal fan, but my what's he gonna do when his God daughter goes to UNC-Chapel Hill????? At least the Hokie colors match that of the old Fighting Christians from Elon. Ha. Ha.

I love the playing pictures. I have seen how high Ian can throw my 60-95 pound children in the air, so I can only imagine how high Kylie flies....

Miss you guys,

Anonymous said...

My advice goes right along with Beth's. As Scott says about Alex, "When he gets hungry enough, he'll eat whatever you give him. " and he'll learn. I promise he won't starve. My kids are far from starved and I refuse to be a short order cook. He now requests broccoli and carrots.
Stephanie Y

Anonymous said...

I love all those pictures... I did a pretty good job! ;)
Aunt Cici

Melissa said...

I vowed never to cook seperate meals but...I caved. My 11 y/o son has a thing for texture. No mashed potatoes, no oatmeal, no buns with crispy edges, no over-done "black stuff" on his grilled meats. The list goes on. Anyways...I keep offering the things he hates, and by surprise he will eat some of those things. Sometimes he just rolls his eyes and says, " knowwww I don't eat stuff that has of funny texture." Ehhhh....yeah well, if I don't, you'll be a caveman only eating meat. Compare that to the little sister who eats ONLY veggies and fruit. Ju could live without meat, except for stuffed pork chops.

Oh, so where was I going with all this? I guess I just keep offering a wide variety of things. LOL! :-)

Kimberly said...

Love love love the pictures of the kids!! Especially the one of Caleb all zonked out. BTW, i am totally stealing your pork fried rice idea. That sounds yummy ans super easy!

Laurie said...

LOVED all the fun pictures- good job Mom! I loved the one of Kylie being thrown in the air- too cute!! Seeing your pictures is making me so excited to see my 2 together! Medical exam is tomorrow- wish us luck!

Tricia said...

Check out Beth leaving long comments. You go Beth! :) Traci did a great job taking your photos. I'm guessing you got a Christmas card photo...yeah!

I agree with Beth on the food issues even though I served A2 nothing but chicken strips for months on end. Honestly, I've heard of parents going both ways and the kids turning out to be great eaters. One kid ate nothing but PB&J for what seemed like years and now eats everything offered. You, Ian and Kylie eat very well and Caleb will see that. I'm sure you have a "gut" feeling about what to do and you should go with it. You're a terrific mother and Caleb will be fine. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I fear Carter will turn into a chicken! Grilled, fried, nuggets...he's healthy and I can blame it on his Daddy ;) The best of both worlds!

Nancy said...

Love the photos! Can't wait until we have family pix of us in our Penn State outfits.

My sister sneaks babyfood into my nephew's food! Seems to work since babyfood is unseasoned and bland.

Anonymous said...

And all we have to say is....
There is a family in Virginia that looks just like yours...all decked out in Hokie maroon! he he
John and Ian really need to go to a Tech game together! John has gotten Ryan SO addicted to VT football!! :)
Love the picture!!
John and Joanna

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the Hokies. What a beautiful Sunday it was. Playing outside was so fun to watch. Kylie in her hiding place, kids romping with Ian, kids climbing the fence (love that one), and then little tyker sleeping on the pillow - he looks like he is riding a pony or something! We all enjoyed the afternoon.
Love, LaoLao