

"I Luhv peeskol!"

And there you have it ~ day one was a success! I guess part of that was because I was a substitute teacher in Kylie's class today... (I thought long and hard about it before I said yes to being in her class ~ my final decision was that it may help her make the transition if she learns the routine before she is solo).

I figured it was going to be a good day when after trying for 10 minutes to wake her up I finally whispered, "Kylie, you get to go to school with mommy today." No joke, that kiddo was sitting up with a huge smile on her face in two seconds! She looked at me, got that silly little grin on her face where she almost gets dimples and says, "I go jump on tumbatak!" and then giggled.

We hurried through breakfast and then took a series of bad pictures before I got one that satisfied me...

"My bag may be as big as me, but I'm ready for school! Let's go already!"

She practically ran out the door to the car and started squealing with excitement when we pulled up at school. (We've been by there several times and our Sunday School class has gatherings there sometimes to let the kids play while we adults talk).

Going into the classroom with 9 other kids was a bit overwhelming initially, but Kylie soon picked out who is destined to become one of her friends and stuck with Layna all day. She loved the classroom free play time, but circle time was a bit overwhelming until she realized that sitting in the chairs was cool because you get to sing fun songs with hand motions!

Kylie got to make draw circles with crayons, have a snack, play on the playground, eat lunch, paint, sing songs, make new friends, and do gymnastics. She picked right up with doing a front roll on the wedge mat and showed off her skills walking the mini-balance beam. But the highlight of the day was her time on the tumble track. If they didn't cost so much I'd consider getting one at home, even I enjoy jumping on it!

She stayed seated for most of lunch (she wanted my salad more than she wanted her pb & j, banana, and green beans), shared toys with the other children, and only cried once, so I think the day was a total success! Now I'm sure that we made the right decision, Kylie clearly loved interacting with her peers. All we have to do now is adjust her sleep schedule enough so that she isn't about to fall over by the time the day is done! These days we only see the thumb when she is exhausted, so I knew I wasn't going to make it home before she crashed. After she woke up from her nap her daddy asked her what she thought about preschool. Her response ~ "I LUUHHVV peeskol!"


Laurie said...

I was so anxious to hear how the day went, and I'm so glad it went well. You'll have to tell us how it goes when you're not there, but I have a feeling she'll do just fine! :)

C.C. said...

I am so happy to see that she loved it!!

She looks so grown up and beautiful!!

I wouldn't mind playing on the tumble track myself;-)

Robin said...

that is so awesome that she likes school. maddy will be starting a new christian church daycare on Monday. I hope this transition goes well for her. going to the first daycare did NOT go well. She finally likes it there and now I'm changing her again..

Cindy M said...

Caroline LOVES "school", as well, but so far, it's just been lunch and a diaper bag. This fall, we'll be in the backpack club again, and I know I will feel the pull on my heartstrings as I watch this little one grow up in the blink of an eye, just as my other sweet babies have done. Kylie, I am so happy to know you're happy and that you and Mommy have a special routine going to school together now! We love you!

Jeff and Valerie said...

So glad her first day went well. Malia and I love going to school together and I love it even more when I spend time in her class.

Anonymous said...

Kylie, you are such a big girl going to preschool. Wow, dahma would love to go with you...looks like lots of fun. The tumble track looks wonderful.
I love you,
Lao Lao

Anonymous said...

The tumble track is so fun for adults I know kids must LOVE it. I am so proud of her She is growing up too fast!
Aunt Cici