

The NEW art of glass blowing (or Mealtime Mayhem)

So last night at our family dinner my cousin Tricia says, "Hey boys, why don't you ask cousin Traci how to make a funny face on a glass plate?" (This followed Kylie's Uncle Adam putting his fingers at the edge of his mouth and getting Kylie to imitate the funny face ~ sadly missed on camera...) After several minutes of begging, Traci finally relented, held a glass plate up to her face, and exhaled deeply.

Anyway, of course Adam and Andrew had to follow suit. I think that pictures and video (I had to figure out how to add it to get Andrew's description of the noise ~ turn up the sound and prepare for a belly laugh!) can tell the rest of the story...

First Adam figured it out!

Then both boys were rocking it!

"Where is my bib that says Are You Sure These Are My Relatives? Cause I'm not so sure I want to claim them"

Andrew demonstrates a good technique and describes what it sounds like!

"Oh well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!"

Never a dull moment in our family...

**This strange behavior comes from me watching 21 Jumpstreet back in the day. I can't remember the character's name anymore. It wasn't Johnny Depp, but the other guy who one episode made his friends laugh by pressing his face up to a window and blowing. I taught our English exchange student to do it, but somehow Traci ended up being the sister remembered for the talent. Pretty sneaky, huh?**


Gracie's Journey said...

Oh how cute! I'm cracking up!

Thanks for your comments on our blog for Gracie. We have been blessed by prayer warriors for sure! Blessings to you and your beautiful family.

Joyce Kvalvik

Laurie said...

I am ROLLING!!! Can you teach me how to put videos on my site- that was SO much fun to watch!!

Anonymous said...

That was so much fun. It was great to see Kylie interact with the kids so much! It was a great evening. - Tricia

Anonymous said...

What a fun evening. Believe, Aunt Nancy and Uncle Roger think we are all NUTS! Somehow, the longer the kids blew on the plates, the funnier it got! They all felt so clever. How simple to have fun together as a big, loving family.
Love all of you,

Nancy said...

I'm laughing so hard, I'm crying!