

Digging to China

I'm not sure what your weather has been like lately, but we've been having LOTS of rain. It will rain for two or three days and then we'll have two days of sun. But just when you think the sunshine is here to stay for a while, it rains again. That has made for some really soft ground. And when you have a combination of very soft ground and a 70 pound Golden Retriever (who LOVES to dig), you get this...

Here's Maya proudly showing how dirty she got during her frolic in the backyard yesterday while I was taking down Christmas decorations. Doesn't she look proud of herself?
Of course she wasn't quite so happy when her daddy cleaned her to try and save our carpet... Oh, and yes, that is the kitchen sink ~ it was cleaned with comet and clorox after we were done!

So anyway, as irritated as I wanted to be with our sweet dog for tearing up the yard and getting herself ~ well, more the kitchen floor than herself ~ so dirty, I was actually quite pleased. You see, Maya knows that I'm getting impatient about going to China to bring Kylie home. I'll admit I hadn't thought of this strategy since I was a kid ~ she's just trying to dig us there...

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