

school's out for SUMMER {last day 2020}

An "adorable" thought I had about the end of school...

Because Daniel's elementary school career ended virtually, I thought I would avoid being a hot mess.  

We gathered in the living room as a family for his virtual moving up ceremony.  I did okay though the opening. 

And even managed to just have *an eyelash in my eye* as they took us on the parade of the school and showed the video of what the 5th graders had to say about their memories of being a DES Dragon.  

But all bets were off when the teachers read class lists and proclaimed their classes "graduates" of the school.  

Mr Guille was Daniel's first male teacher.  He will no doubt go down in the M8 book of "legendary teachers" from running in the Jingle Bell run with the run club to his love of Skittles to his AMAZING virtual teaching presence to his fabulous British accent...

While he particularly enjoyed his teacher this year, Daniel honestly had THE BEST teachers from kindergarten to 5th grade.  When asked who his favorite was he said, "ALL of them."  And he meant it.  

I'm not crying, you're crying...

And then it was time to snap those last day photos.  Last day of three middle schoolers.  Or at least THESE three middle schoolers.  Because Ky is leaving middle school behind and headed to high school (whatever that's gonna look like) in August.  

And why is Ky sorta smirk laughing?  Because she was not looking forward to the 8th grade "moving on" ceremony and had threatened to skip.  That's her "Haha, I didn't have to do it after all!" face.  Maybe it's for the best.  Because with one leaving middle and one leaving elementary ON THE SAME DAY I had potential to be a big time hot mess!

But maybe even virtual I am a hot mess anyway.  

Is it really hazy today? Because I'm not able to see clearly...

And here's the last "Last Day of School" pic with three in the elementary set.  Daniel is all too soon headed off to middle school leaving us with just two in elementary.  Not so long ago we had FIVE DES dragons...

Time. SLOW. Down!!!

My rising 6th and 9th graders.  They share a special bond.  He pretty much thinks she hung the moon and while he often drives her crazy along with the other two boys, she has a soft spot in her heart for this one.  It's not entirely uncommon to find these two paired off together. 

Then it was time to get this confetti party started...

I wish I could take credit for the idea.  

But I'll give props where they are due...our elementary guidance counselor was having a virtual confetti toss party to send the 5th graders off with style at 3:45 (the end of the school day).  

I even bought the confetti.  

And wouldn't you know, in the emotion of the day, I totally forgot to have Daniel log in to the Zoom call to toss confetti with his classmates.  

Thankfully he has a lot of siblings. 

And so it was a lot of fun anyway, so much so that I think it will become a M8 tradition on the last day of school.   Because next year we'll have TWO leaving elementary school AND TWO leaving middle school.  Come June 10, 2021, I'll be a 'hot mess' times four.  But there will be confetti...

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