Just over ten years ago she became part of our family as a three year old. She was timid and unsure of herself, content often to sit back and watch her older siblings explore and experience the world around them.
A lot has changed in that decade...here we are at 13!
Over time, she's grown into a quiet sense of self confidence. In her way she's more eager to get out there and make her mark on the world, even if she'd rather do it in a group setting than being the shining star.
And as has been true for years, if given the choice, she'd rather grab a cozy blanket and a spot on the couch with a good book than be out on the social scene. (All she asked for this year for her birthday were book series...)
We are daily blessed with her presence in our home.
Her quiet sense of generosity and gratitude shape the attitudes of the rest of us. Case in point, she was deeply touched that I sought out and bought a necklace she had pointed out to me months ago. While we did buy her two of the three book series she wanted, it was fun to surprise her with a little something that she didn't think I'd remembered. She instantly knew where and when we had seen it and was touched.
This sweet girl (admittedly a tiny bit spicy...her eye roll is solid game!) is gonna be a world changer. She has big thoughts and deep thinking capabilities and I look forward to seeing how she uses those for the betterment of the world our God created.
Currently some of her potential future education/employment goals include graphic design...she doesn't know exactly what she would do with the skill, just that it looks cool...and being an archeologist. It was fun for both she and I to discover we had the desire to explore past civilizations/animal life in common, I was near this age when I thought archeology was going to be in my future.
Speaking of the past, she recreated her own recent path in again requesting the Pioneer Woman's chocolate cake with Nutella ganache and whipped frosting. It's been several years running...
The light and joy our DQ brings to our family can't be quantified, but can be glimpsed in her smile.
I love you Darcy Q! Happiest of birthdays to you!
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