*saturday of father's day weekend 2020*
As is often the case, I was the first one up Saturday morning. That meant an opportunity to sip my coffee while drinking in the peaceful beauty around me.
Ever so slowly the household began to come alive and after breakfast and a few rounds of pool we made our way into Blowing Rock to take on the Glen Burney Falls trail. Luckily we arrived early enough to secure a parking space in the tiny lot at the trailhead. Despite being 'right in town,' this trail quickly made its way out into the trees leaving behind reminders that we were not far at all from Blowing Rock's main street and all the buzz that comes with it.
I'm not sure exactly how we've done it, but Ian and I ~ two folks that would happily get lost in the woods any day ~ have raised six reluctant hikers. This hike had two things going for it...it was Father's Day weekend and so our crew granted Ian's wish to spend time on a trail together AND there were several waterfalls.
Waterfalls seem to make all the difference.
covid hair don't care... |
It was a lovely day in the woods. We enjoyed the unexpected sunshine on a day with some storms forecast. That served serval purposes, the most important being crowd control on what we understand is typically a very popular trail.
It was easy going on the way to the waterfalls. But a steep downhill start does mean a significant uphill climb back to the car. Some of us were faster than others.
Which meant one of our littles needed to be a hitch-hiker part of the way out...
We considered ice cream at Kilwin's on main street as a fun treat for the happy hikers, but it was crazy crowded and lined up down the street (with varied levels of social distancing...mostly non-masked people standing right up on groups of masked people who were six feet behind the ones in front of them) so we scratched that idea and headed back to the house instead. Thankfully the kids (who had not been out much at all in months were shocked at the crowds and content to have some pool/puzzle time instead.
And while they were happily entertained, Ian and I sat again with the views as dinner cooked.
One could get used to this...
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