

back to the grind

The mentality of summer is my favorite time of year.  It brings longer days, uber relaxed schedules, scads of pool time, Costco sized containers of popsicles, and a host of kids in and out of the house.  We stay in our pajamas until midday and vote on which "bucket list" item to complete...or if staying in pajamas all day is a bucket list item.

But eventually the days start getting shorter and (hopefully) the temperatures start dropping a bit lower and my favorite season of the year is upon us.  And of course the approach of fall means the endless summer days are over and it's time to step back into routine...and of course, the "S" word.

the backpacks were set by the front door with care
This year THREE of my babies...can I still call them babies now?...headed out the door at 6:50 for the middle school.

my three cougars
My buddy moaned as his wake up call came and commented that it felt like we were going to China.  I suspect he's in for a more rough reentry to non-summer this year as he adjusts to earlier morning life.  I also have a feeling there will be a constant debate between he and his sisters about what time they should arrive at the school.  They want 7:00 when the doors open to have time to go to their lockers, get to the classroom and mentally prepare for the day.  If given the choice he'd elect for 7:27 with just enough time to grab his books and slide into his homeroom seat.  So far they're winning...

the sixth grade twins in disbelief and the "mature" seventh grader
They'll work it out though.  And while they figure out their timing differences, I'll try to stop looking at them and seeing them like this...on our very first "first day of school" in 2011.

Shellshocked as I felt about those three cherubs heading off to middle school together, there wasn't too much time to sit in disbelief.  After all, there was another trio to get out the front door.

my three dragons
Two headed back into the familiar world of our amazing little elementary school and yet another headed for his very first "first day of school!"  (at least first day of school here in the states...we're still not 100% sure we understand his educational experience before he came to us).

These three.  When asked how they felt about school starting I got a "Meh" from one, a joking thumbs down from another and an excited "Yay!" from the third.  Of course we weren't alone in the walk to school...while our numbers are down significantly from previous years due to four moving on to middle school, we are maintaining the tradition of mornings with our walking friends.

Before I even knew it, we were at the front doors of the school and my little guy slipped his hand into mine and said (with a smile on his face), "I don't know where my class is."  I knew he did, and he knew I knew it, but I decided to savor the moment of his uncertainty and walk in with him.  He totally led the way and at the sight of his sweet teacher, he let go of me and walked straight to his desk where his seat partner started to show him where to put his things and how to hang his backpack in his cubby.  

This was his expression as he tried to hurry me out if his classroom. He was a big boy...and made certain to get the message that "I've got this" across before I left. 

All kids delivered to their locations, Ian and I headed to our local coffee shop for our first day traditional coffee and breakfast before he headed off to work and I went back to a very quiet house.  

The house didn't seem quiet for long though as I had to go to the school to give Nat some post surgery eye drops at lunchtime. Advantage of having third grade "twins?"  They eat lunch at the same neighboring tables.  I saw my new to school buddy in the cafeteria long before he saw me and he was sitting between two boys, one from the pool and the other a friend of Nat's from class last year, and chatting and laughing like he'd always been there. He smiled when he finally saw me, and was happy to see me, but didn't "need me" one bit.  And his sweet, sweet teacher gave me a two thumbs up and said he'd been having a great day. Made my heart happy...

From there it was a quick run to the grocery to grab a few items for meals this week and then suddenly it was time for the middle school crowd to come home.  Loved seeing a crowd of about fifteen walkers headed toward me...while my three aren't in core classes with their closest friends, we discovered they all have at least one in their electives and they walk home together.  I caught up on the ins and outs of their day over popsicles and then was off to get the elementary set.  

My energetic one said "everything" was good about the first day, my "meh" kid smiled and told me she played with her brother at recess and the new kid excitedly relayed that he made a new friend.

It will take a few weeks to work the kinks out of readjusting to the daily grind of school life, but it looks like we're off to a good year.  Now bring on the crisp mornings and the vibrant colors of fall!

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