

2014 Guangdong Girls reunion {day 1}

Indiana.  North Carolina.  California.

Watching these girls interact you'd think they were all girls from the neighborhood, chatting about vacations they had taken in the first few weeks of summer to other states.

Not that they lived in them and only saw each other once a year at best.

caroline, lottie, kristin & ky...pictured with just a few of their combined 13 siblings
Even after three years apart and living with the entire country between them, these two former roommates could have easily passed themselves off as girls who had spent all of second grade giggling in class together and having sleepovers most weeks.

kristin & ky, roommates in China
Unfortunately, those states do indeed represent the geographical distance between our families.  And since Kristin came all the way from California, one day hanging at the pool just wasn't going to be enough...

So we did the best thing we could do.  Our families found ways to step out of our busy schedules for a few days to stop and enjoy some time together.

Day one consisted of swimming pools, trampolines, many opportunities to eat, and most importantly, plenty of time to sit and catch up on the past several years since a large group of us had been together at one time.

We adults enjoyed the time together every bit as much as our girls.  

Eight years ago I didn't know a single face in this picture beyond our two.  Now we consider these folks family...
**July 18, 2014

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What an amazing family it is! To have been there when you all became parents on the same day was absolutely amazing. My heart just spills over with love for each family.