

we don't know yet

So many of the folks who love our family have touched base over the past few days to see how Wednesday went.

While I'd love to type at this point that the surgery was a huge success in lowering the pressure in Natalie's eye, the truth is that we simply don't know yet.  More on that in a second though as I simply have to share how many prayers were already answered.

Tuesday night I asked for y'all to pray for several things.

We were concerned about her checkin time not being until 10:30.  On Wednesday morning we got a call letting us know there had been a cancellation and asked if we could come as quickly as possible.  We checked in at 9:45 and while the surgery before hers ran longer than anticipated, having Disney Jr. on the waiting room TV gave distraction that she's not used to at home and kept her mind off food.

And speaking of food, we didn't want Natalie, my 'jidan pleasey Mama' (Eggs please Mommy) girl, to be upset about not having anything to eat leading up to surgery.  She was taken back at noon and never, not once, asked for anything to eat or drink even though usually by noon she's had breakfast, a snack, and sometimes even has started her lunch.

Neither Ian nor I wanted to relive Natalie's absolute terror over changing into her surgery gown and were worried that she would be frightened when we arrived at the surgical center and she recognized where we were.  She was so comfortable that she even kicked back to take a rest in her daddy's lap.

And this time, instead of freaking out over putting on her gown, she thought it was quite funny.  (of course the pre-anestheia meds may have played a small role in that)

We of course desired for her recovery to go well.  Within two hours of the surgery being finished, we were home with a happy, though groggy, girl.

More on recovery.  She was amazingly tired this time, and slept most of Wednesday afternoon, went to bed at 6:45 (with a brief wake up at 8:30 to eat two scrambled eggs) and slept all night.  Thursday she slept all the way to Duke and back for her first pre-op and took a three hour nap, but woke up from that back to her typical spunky little self, full of energy and laughter.

Now for the parts that we simply don't know yet.  Will this surgery provide relief for the extremely high pressure (under 20 is normal, Natalie's was over 40) in her eye?  The reason we don't know is that the eye needs time to heal from the trauma of the implant insertion before it begins to function, so several sutures are put in the tube of the drain to keep it from opening immediately.  Those sutures will dissolve over the course of the next four to six weeks and after that time we'll be able to get an accurate pressure reading.

And will the optic nerve be able to return to more of its natural shape with the pressure relieved so that she'll have more than peripheral vision in her right eye.  Honestly, it isn't likely.  But it wasn't likely with Darcy either...and it happened.  

No matter the outcome though, we continue to trust in The One who created Natalie.  He has a plan for her life, restored vision or not, and we're thankful to be along for the ride!


Laine said...

So sweet to hear how the Lord answered the prayers!
We will continue to pray for sweet Natalie! And all of you!

Anne said...

I'm so happy our prayers were answered that things would go smoothly before Natalie's surgery. I know we're all shifting our prayers that Natalie's pressure will lessen and her vision is restored.

Thanks for the update.

PS the pics with her Mama & Daddy are just adorable!

Anne in Colorado

Grandma Shultz said...

Natalie is a little trooper and God is so amazingly kind and good. All praise to Him for the successful outcome!

Jennifer Taylor said...

It's such a relief to hear how well she did! Praying for positive results!