

Happy 7th Kylie Boo!

...and while I'm stepping down memory lane...

I close my eyes and I can still remember baking cupcakes the night before Ky's first birthday (little did I know then as I decorated those cupcakes that Kylie's little sister had been born half a world away).  Then I open my eyes and find myself serving a two-layer chocolate cake with vanilla frosting that she and I baked together to my SEVEN year old daughter. has this way of slipping through your fingers.

At least I can say that with the passage of time, she just gets more and more delightful!

Kylie Boo, your spunk and zest for life bring countless smiles each day.  Your are always pondering, yet despite the risks you perceive in doing so, you always opening your heart for others.  You are a model big sister to our little crew.

Just slow down on the growing taller so fast, okay?...this 1/2 an inch in a month thing is getting old.


Grandma Shultz said...

Happy 7th birthday, Kylie. Your cake is really pretty. Understand you helped Mommy bake it - good job!
Was good to hear that you enjoyed your dinner at Greek Fiesta. I love you.

Nancy said...

Happy birthday, Kylie!!! Its been so fun to follow your mom's blog as you grow up!

Laurie said...

Happy 7th to your sweetheart! And about that time slipping through your fingers? SO true!!

prechrswife said...

Happy 7th, Kylie!

Cindy M said...

Oh, Kylie, how we LOVE you!!! I close MY eyes and remember how your Mommy and I wrote each other excited email notes before we'd even met each other and before we met you and Caroline and the rest of your China sisters. How is it that you girls are already so big? So old? I don't want to think about blinking again and seeing all of you as teenagers. Can't wait to see you again! I hope it is very, very soon!

Glenda said...

Happy birthday, Kylie. Seven years of sweetness! I'm grateful to be able to watch you grow! We love you!

Our Journey to China said...

Oh, Happy, Happy Birthday, Sweet Ky!! We love you to here and back and beyond!!