

The blur that was

Our first 48 hours home is a little fuzzy in my mind.  I really think that I was mostly sleepwalking on Friday and Saturday.


Between the jet lag, the adrenaline rush of heading to the ER just after we were home, and the emotional drain (even good emotions can wear you out and we've had good along with grief), I was a pretty much a zombie.  I'm not sure what would have happened here in our house if it hadn't been for my sister, my mother-in-law, and my own mom (who somehow managed to snap out of the fog of exhaustion and take care of me and my family).

Traci (my most excellent sister) and Kathy (adoring Grandma M to my brood) came up to meet us at the airport and then stayed in a hotel for two nights to help us get our feet back under us.  While I know I was not a good hostess, they took care of lunch and dinner Friday (we had finished pancakes and cleaned up before 7 Friday morning) and lunch on Saturday, tidied up the house after six kids, washed, folded and helped me put away untold amounts of laundry, and made sure that we had even more fresh fruits before they headed home.

Honestly, I couldn't tell you much about those two days.  Except that I was really tired and apparently we ate a lot.  Because that's what I have pictures of ~ the kids eating...

the kiddos ate at in the breakfast nook

Ky was a little excited about corn on the cob

Daniel enjoyed his too ~ note the shiner was almost gone just in time for the gash...
 All too soon it was time for the Grandmas, Aunt CiCi, and the cousins to head home.  Of course from the looks of my bunch in this cousins shot, can you guess what we were doing within 15 minutes of them pulling out of the driveway?

Mom's grand kids ~ Pierson is the oldest at 6 1/2, and Daniel is the caboose at nearly 3.  Christmas at Mama's this year is gonna be FUN!
If you guessed sleeping, you'd be correct.  Sorry, no prize ~ that one was too easy!


jody said...

I am so happy for you that you were all so well taken care of. What a blessing your family is to you! When are your heading here to the beach?

Traci said...

Oh we had so much fun. Doing your laundry and cooking was just an excuse to come and barge in your house to hang out with the newest M--! ;)

TanyaLea said...

What a blessing your family {and especially your mom} has been through this journey, and since you returned home. I remember that 'sleepwalking fog' well! Praying it all balances out soon and that you are able to find some normalcy in your everyday! Daniel is even cute with a shiner!! ;) I still love that photo of all the kids crashed on the trundle bed... so cute!

Jordan Carl said...

some good looking kids right there! I love the corn on the cob picture of Daniel!

Heather said...

I've been following your blog, I promise! I just haven't been able to get into your other site. You sent me the password and info before you left and while adding a email account, I somehow lost the info. UGH! I wanted to follow! I didn't want to bother you while in China. So glad things are going well. As difficult as it is, we both know that it is healthy for Daniel to grieve. You guys have done just perfectly with him and the other kiddos! So happy for you all!

Our Journey to China said...

I love all these sweet faces!! Nothing like bonding over good food!! I can't wait to be closer to you guys!! :0)

Rachelle said...

What a legacy of love this last photo is.