

Documenting the first shiner

I've been a mom for just over 3 1/2 years now.  Guess I was due for our first black eye.  Or mostly black anyway.

You should see the other kid.

Actually, there was no other kid..  And it's a good thing.  He'd be in serious trouble with us for being in a fight.  Rather, it was a very ungraceful, completely unintentional self-inflicted injury.  I'll spare him the details.
How it really happened is our little secret...

(You'll thank me one day buddy!)


Cindy M said...

Well, in my experience, that bruise above the eye will migrate down underneath the eye and look even more impressive in a few days. Our most recent was when Abby whacked herself with her rifle and gave herself a black eye.

I must know the secret, however. I'll trade you. Don't tell anyone that my 17-year-old cut her elbow shaving her legs. :-)

And it was with great anticipation I scrolled down to reveal the face I knew it would be. :-)

C.C. said...

Uh Oh;-)

Heather said...

I'm impressed this was your first one. We have at least one bloodied lip or nose a day, especially with Jake that is! Remember Jake's eye and baseball bat confrontation? He still has the mark! It seems as if every time we have a social worker visit, he has a black eye, cut, or bruise! Yikes!!

Rachelle said...


Our Journey said...

Ohhhh boy!! I was with Cindy---I was guessing as I scrolled down.

Nancy said...

Awww! Poor boy! :(

Melissa said...

Poor Caleb....hope it doesn't hurt too much, Matthew had one on his other eye a few weeks ago from hitting his head on the car windown :(

Traci said...

Oh Caleb! It has been a long time coming hasn't it! You must be the luckiest boy in the world to run as fast as you do and not get a black eye until you were almost 4 years old! :)
I hope it feels better soon!!!

Grandma Shultz said...

Caleb, you did a good job. That is a good looking "shiner". Hope it doesn't hurt too much. I wish I was there to kiss it.

a Tonggu Momma said...

Oh, no... that is definitely an impressive shiner.