

A recovering "non-morning" person

It's no secret (at least not to anyone who has ever been near me in the mornings) that I'm not a morning person. One of the best things to celebrate about leaving the classroom after 10 years was not having to fake it to a room full of sixth graders anymore! Even my own children know that it's better to ask for favors in the morning AFTER mommy has had at least one cup of coffee.

This morning I was slow to get out of bed and was still postponing getting up after Ian was in the shower. Not so much because I was that tired, it was just my way of protesting that the weekend had passed so quickly and today was not a treasured "Daddy Day" as we like to call the weekend days.

Then I heard the shuffling of little bare feet and I knew that meant the little man was on his way to my bedside (Ky had come in at daybreak and was nestled up beside me). I hid my face under the sheet and tried to pretend that I was still asleep in hopes that he'd either lay down beside me to snuggle for a few minutes or go back to his room to play cars for a while.

But no, it was clear that he was awake, fully charged for the day. I wanted to ignore him when he said, "Hey Momma," but instead I answered, "Hey buddy!"

And then it came, COMPLETELY unsolicited for the very first time.

"Hey Momma, I yuhve yuhew! I yuhve yuhew yots an yots!"

Be still my heart! Top that off with his smile that makes his eyes disappear and a huge hug and I have one thing left to say...

"Hello, my name is Kristi, and I'm a recovering non-morning person..."


Grandma Shultz said...

Oh, that precious little guy. To be told that and given a big smile must have been breathtaking. It has surely brought tears of joy to my heart.
Love you all,

Leslie said...

With Caleb's love, all things are possible. =)

I love how his eyes disappear when he smiles, too. We always look forward to eating lunch with y'all on Sundays and dinner with you on Monday! See you soon!

Michelle said...

I am not a morning person either.. I love when Makenna is in my bed and kissing me to wake me up...

Di said...

Too cute! I can see how it would make you want to get up in the morning in one leap!

Sharon said...

WHat a sweet boy, how can we not wake up smiling to that? Thanks for your sweet words....I will be praying for YOU during the holidays as you miss your dad!

Nancy said...

That is awesome! What a GREAT way to start the day!

Tricia said...

He's a cutie! Abby liked the comment you left for her the other day.

Cindy M said...

Oy with the poodles, that boy is cute! I simply can't take it. I believe he might run over me like a freight train. Crud. I still didn't send his Pringles. Adding that to my Christmas list...and some for that crazy healthy eater, Ky! Give both a big hug and kiss from us!!! Miss you.

Lilly said...

yeah, it melted your heart and mine too!

C.C. said...


Anonymous said...

ugh! My heart flipped. that is sooo precious!
Aunt Cici

Lisa said...

That is so worth waking up for!!!