Yesterday afternoon one of Mama's sweet "farm dogs" went on to doggie heaven. Jeb and Sophie came to live at Mama's house when they had been rescued as fuzzy little black puppies out of a garbage dumpster by a friend of ours. His family had no way to keep them and he called to ask if Mama could take them in "just until he could find them a home." Nearly 14 years later we still joked about the fact that Joe needed to come pick up his dogs now that he had a home of his own, but secretly we knew that Mama would never give them up. They became part of the menagerie of animals that lived on "the farm" with mom and she loved them all! Mama's so sad and poor Sophie is going to be lost without him!Jeb was a huge dog, but such a gentle giant and he will be missed greatly! (At this point you are either a "dog person" and you "get it", or you aren't' and you think we are crazy for crying over a dog. I respect either thought, but please realize that to us, dogs are members of the family). So last night I was in tears at the dinner table recounting the story of his death to Ian. Kylie wanted to know why I was upset and we told her that "Jebbers" had gotten very sick and we wouldn't get to see him anymore. She wanted to know why Grandma didn't give him some medicine and so we went on to explain that the dog doctor had come over and given him some shots, but that he had been really sick and couldn't get better.
Fast forward to today...
Yesterday afternoon Caleb was being "helped up" to touch the wind chime by Kylie when she accidentally dropped him. He caught himself with his hands and grimaced when he hit, but didn't even cry. Then I noticed him favoring his left hand and when I checked it out, there was a splinter the diameter of a toothpick that appeared to go straight into the meaty part of his thumb. I tried to get it with my fingernails and then with tweezers, but the darn thing wouldn't budge, so we waited for Ian to get home. Let's just say that after much screaming and gnashing of teeth Caleb still had a huge splinter and all four of us were crying. So we discussed that we'd have to take Caleb to the doctor to have them remove it.
Through the night I remembered that Caleb had not started his vaccines yet and most likely wasn't up on his tetanus shot. This fact was discussed at breakfast. (Can you see where I'm going with this?)
So at the doctor's office Caleb screamed his little head off while the doctor dug around in his hand to get the splinter out. Let's just say that doctors don't seem to work as tenderly when it isn't their own child... Kylie cried a little during that part just because she was sad for her brother because it obviously hurt. Then out came the needles (they decided that since he had an appointment in two weeks to get his first round of immunizations that they may as well go ahead and give them all while he was getting the tetanus). At this point Kylie totally lost her composure and I couldn't figure out why. I tried to remind her that she had gotten shots before too but that didn't get me anywhere. (And yes, there was a good bit of time to reason with her because he had to have SEVEN shots today) Suddenly I realized that she was terrified that the shots were going to go for Caleb the way Jeb's had gone for him. She was afraid that her brother was going to get very, very sick and go to heaven. My heart broke for both of my kids at that moment ~ for Caleb because he was in pain and confused as to why I'd let this happen to him, and for Kylie because she was so worried about her baby brother.
I'll take a bit less drama for tomorrow...
Mama said there'd be days like this...
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3:49 PM
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My gentle giant, Jeb, will be sorely missed. He was big, mostly deaf, mostly blind but always had such a gentle spirit. I'll miss him so much. Sophie, his sister, is really confused. She won't go into the garage where he passed or even come through the garage to get into the kitchen. Will have to give her extra attention. She'll mourn for him.
My sweet grandchildren. Sorry that Caleb had to go through strange people poking around and extracting a hugh splinter and then 7 shots on the same day. Where are the hearts of doctors and nurses these days!
Hope Kylie understands that shots don't usually result in the person going to heaven. How sweet that she was so concerned about her little "brodder".
I remember I had to stay overnight in the hospital once and Sera cried and cried. Little did I remember my aunt had passed away after we had seen her @ the hospital only a few months before. It is hard to always know how their little minds work, but they are so genuine and sweet.
I remember when your mom got those dogs and how it was only "temporary." I then remember visiting this January and I laughed as I left your mom's house thinking about how those dogs were just temporary and now they looked so old now. I am very sorry for your mom's loss and the whole family's for that matter.
I was still deep in thought about how darling Caleb looked in his oxford shirt in the previous post as I read this one. What a dramatic evening! I pulled a splinter like that out of LeighAnna's head. No joke. She'd gotten a shard of wood in her head while crawling under her bed to get a toy. The IKEA boards that hold her mattress are just unfinished wood. Next week Lydia gets the dreaded shots.
My heart is very heavy after reading about Jeb - he most certainly was a gentle spirit but so brave. In spite of all his infirmities, he always tried to come up to me for a pat and rub. I will surely miss him.
And knowing how sensitive Kylie is, I can imagine how frightened she must have been when Caleb needed shots. And poor Caleb - a splinter is bad enough but SEVEN shots??!!!
I will be lifting up special prayers for everyone in your family.
Poor Kylie (and Caleb) I can only imagine how she was feeling thinking her sweet brother might not make it through.
Hugs to you for loosing your family pet. I too am a dog person so I totally "get it". :0(
I'm sorry about your day and night last night. Those splinters are no fun to try to remove. Seven shots seems like a bit much for a routine, well-check, let alone a day where a splinter is removed. I remember the time when 3 nurses and I tried to hold Adam down for shots and the last one missed--I can't imagine what it would have been like if they tried to do seven.
I'm so sorry to hear about Jeb too. Poor Sophie, she must be so confused.
I'm praying for calm days ahead.
Love to all of you.
Oh Kristi - it is so hard when you loose a family pet. They are SO much part of the family.
And poor Kylie & Caleb -- 7 shots! I think the most Anne Marie had was 4 or 5 at one time - I can't imagine. And I can only imagine what was running through her head -poor things!! I hope all is better for you all tomorrow.
Oh, poor Caleb and Kylie. What a rough day for you all. I'm so sorry to hear about your beloved Jeb... I know you are missing him badly today.
BTW-- great post title!! ;-)
I am so sorry on all counts.
Okay, So I guess I'm a dog person if I was crying after reading about Jeb! It is so hard to lose a pet that is really a member of the family!
I am so sorry Caleb had to get so many shots! poor fella!...
I get it, we are dog people, so sorry for you!
BUT oh for Caleb and Kylie, there just has to be better days ahead! for all of you!
Poor Jebbers. I loved that gentle giant. He was the sweetest most timid dog. I feel so sorry for Sophie. She'll be so sad without her brother who she has been through everything with him including being thrown in a dumpster as a 5 week old puppy. (who could be that cruel?)
Jebbers we'll miss you sweet boy!
Aunt Cici
Well, I should have come here first before facebook. WHEW! What a day, girl! You made MY day look like a cakewalk. I know I told you yesterday, but I am so sad for your mom. It is just SO hard. They are our babies.
And SEVEN? And I just knew Kylie would cry for her brother. I can just imagine the scene, with both of them sorry, friend. This day definitely calls for an "Oy with the poodles, already!" And chocolate. And chips and salsa. And some retail therapy.
Awww... your poor little peanuts! What a day. That is very sad about Jeb. I'd be devastated if something happened to Sadie (aka "the smooth dog sister").
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