So one really good point of moving here is that now we are within 20 minutes of two of Kylie's Guangdong Gal sisters. Getting the schedules of three families to coordinate was no simple task, but we managed to schedule Valentine's Day (only 9 days after Gotcha ~ not bad) as our night to celebrate. Lottie's family hosted.
We played outside, ate a great meal, enjoyed conversation, frosted cupcakes, let the girls blow out candles on the Gotcha Day cookie while we sang "Happy Gotcha Day," watched Battle and Shannon's Gotcha Day video, and then watched our one year slideshow that one of our travel mates put together for us last year. There was much reminiscing and our conversations jumbled over one another as we relived that day two years ago. I've looked at the pictures and gone back over our entire trip on the blog several times recently, but for some reason when I heard Amy's (our guide) voice I got goosebumps as that sound really took me back.
We are so blessed to have added some precious friends to our family through this miracle of adoption! My only regret is that we couldn't find a way for all eleven families to get together to celebrate this occasion. Maybe a trip to Disney for Gotcha the year the girls all turn five is in order...

It is Pinyin (the phonetic style of Chinese) for "Bye y'all."

Sadly Lottie didn't want to have her picture taken at this point.

Oops. Guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow. I think I missed today's deadline for the video, and I better get those pictures to Doug before the emails start flying.
I really am happy that all of you can celebrate together. It just stinks for the rest of us! :-) But nothing - even distance - can ever change the great bond we made in China that day.
And I am ALL about that trip to Disney!!! Just tonight, Caroline, who has recently figured out Disney equals princesses, said in a pretty good whine, "I NEVER get to go to Disney, Momma." Work it, girl.
Great pix! Love your family picture! TWO in a week! Awesome! And I gotta get one of those shirts! Adorable!
Love ya! Miss ya!
What an awesome celebration!
I love Caleb's shirt; so cute.
It's so nice that you are able to celebrate Gotcha Day with other families from your group. It must be a lot of fun to get together and reminisce.
We saw Caleb's stick sculpture today. It's magnificent. He must take after his Aunt Cici.
Wow, what an awesome post!
cute photo's. I love the red headband on Kylie. That is so cute. Good job on getting the second family pictures in a week!
Aunt cici
Happy Gotcha day to all families who were in China getting your precious daughters two years ago.
What a blessing that you are in Raleigh with two other families and can share these special times.
Now Henry and Caleb as well. God is so good.
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