It's been eight days now. Eight days of seeing cute little pink, purple, blue and yellow, Princess, Hello Kitty, and Elmo undies running through the house. Eight mornings of, "Hey Mommy, is dis the front?" as she's dressed herself. Eight afternoons of, "I don't think I have to go potty mommy, but I will try before rest..." Eight evenings of, "Do I HAVE to put on a pull up to go ni night?" Along with those undies we've switched Caleb over to pull-ups to make him feel like he's part of the "potty revolution" going on.
In order to encourage both kids to think about when they have to go potty (cause folks, I'm not going to spend my days watching the clock asking them if they need to go every two hours or so), we've started using little charts. When they let me know that they need to go potty (and actually go) they put a sticker on their chart (and Caleb gets to put one on his hand too). Of course there are high fives, "I'm proud of you"s, and the occasional jelly beans each time they go, but the exciting promise was to fill up your chart and choose a "potty prize."

The charts are great idea. My sister in law is struggling with the lack of "Potty Revolution" at her house, so I'll be passing it on!
Love the sly look!!!
Yea for you all!! The charts are a great idea - all we needed was an M-n-M and we were set! I love the pic. of Caleb & his little "side-smile"- soo cute.
Yeah big girl Kylie!!!!
Yeah big girl Kylie!!!!
Way to go!! That is exciting!
I did something like that with my kids...... if you made it a day without having an accident, you got to reach your hand in a prize bag at the end of the day. We did stickers on a chart for each time you went too. It does work!!
Way to go Kylie!!
And, oh, that look from Caleb...
Congratualtions KYLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aunt cici is sooooo proud of you!!!!! I can't wait to see you this weekend! You are going to be the bell of the Charity Ball!!!
And Caleb you are doing a great job too! I am so happy you are getting to wear pull-ups!
I love you guys!!!
Love Aunt Cici
Grandma is so proud of you, Kylie and Caleb. Congratulations on getting all of the stars on several charts. I love you.
Love the picture of Caleb.
Love, LaoLao Shultz
Wow, I'm impressed! Double potty training, you go girl!
ARE YOU KIDDING ME, Caleb too!!!! (how much older is he than Eli???) Wow I am amamzed. I sure hope the end of diapers is in sight .... :)
Now that is AWESOME!!! Two at once? I think you need a potty prize!!
When I come to visit if I tell you I have to potty and I do, can I get a prize?
I'm ok with a ball or something! I mean can I at least get a high five?
haha love you cuz
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