I'm frequently looking at this picture of my children loving on each other (it was a totally spontaneous moment during our CNY photo shoot) and praying that all will be well between them again soon.We've had about a week of wonderful days with just a few minor skirmishes each day, (that I can deal with) but starting around 5pm yesterday and lasting up until this blissful two hour nap they have been brutal with each other (this I can't). Even Ian noticed it this morning and felt bad that he was leaving me with two warring children. I'm sure it will pass and they'll be back to their normal "love you as long as you aren't playing with MY stuff" soon. Maybe these long naps (and the prayers that I've been sending up) will help...
***Disclaimer ~ when I say that I hope "all will be well with them soon," I'm not delusional enough to think that they will suddenly stop fighting and always be happy with one another. I'm just hoping that the RAV's will come back to a more normal level of a few a day instead of a few an hour! I realize (and remember from having a sister relatively close in age) that they will have their share of disagreements, arguments, and the occasional physical fight, I just want the times of peace to outweigh those moments...***
Anyway, a few questions and comments from previous post comment sections that I wanted to respond to:
Maya's eye ~ Maya has always had weepy eyes. At her last vet visit in September the vet decided that it was due to allergies. We were given a VERY expensive antihistamine that was NO FUN to get an 85 pound dog who LOATHES pills to take (twice a day may I add!). Inserting the pill into a hot dog worked for a while until one day when she unfortunately bit down on the pill as she was chomping. The capsule broke and she began to shake her head violently in protest of the bitter taste. Blue foamy drooly stuff was slung all over the kitchen. (To this day Maya still won't eat a hot dog...) This was in the midst of Ian being gone during the work week before we moved. For the last few days of the treatment I had to straddle her, pry her mouth open, shove the pill as far down her throat as I could, and pray she didn't manage to gag it back up. We decided that weepy eyes were better than twice a day struggles...
Conquering clutter ~ Cindy, you seemed to feel defeated that Ian and I could conquer clutter in our house in one long, Sunday afternoon nap. Please remember that we now live in a 1300 square foot home with far less than half of our belongings. Our old house is still furnished (the only furniture in this house that we own are the kids beds and dressers ~ the rest is borrowed from family and friends) and there is lots of stuff still there to make it look "homey," not that it seems to be working as far as selling it... Another large portion of our belongings is currently being housed in a climate controlled storage center, so we are really here with the bare minimum!
Kylie in short sleeves and Caleb with a coat ~ Our kids seem to have different internal thermostats. Said plain and simple, Kylie sweats while Caleb shivers while Ian and I are comfortable. They have cars with dual heating systems, anyone know of houses with heating systems for individual rooms?
Caleb's bed ~ At first I was pretty annoyed with the fact that we only have a mattress on Caleb's bottom bunk (because we have one more twin mattress on a bed in the old house and we are just waiting to be able to bring it here). Sure he doesn't need the one on top yet, but it looks pretty weird to see just the slats on top. BUT, it does allow for me to get above him and take some pretty good pictures of him sleeping (see most recent post of my sleeping angels titled Is there Much Sweeter?)
My Chocolate Stash ~ No, I no longer have my stash. (Though for the past 24 hours I've really wanted it...) After seeing a particularly unflattering picture of myself from the day we went to the zoo, I decided that telling Ian about my stash was my best defense to prevent me from finishing it myself. I'm done with chocolate because it is my main weakness. I've also started buying snacky food that the kids like but that I could care less about like pretzels so that I'm not as tempted during the day.
The Look ~ My mom, sister, and college roommate stated that "the look" was only a mild version of the ones I give when I'm really annoyed. They are right, I was afraid that a true photo of "the look" at its strongest may cause those of you that are untrained in avoiding it properly to turn into stone...
I think that takes care of the things I wanted to answer. I'm sure there will be another clean up post like this sometime in the future.
**Post nap report ~ My babies are currently laying side by side on the floor playing happily with their Little People Barn. Looks like God sent attitude restoring sleep to them! I'm praising Him for His goodness!**
A deep sigh...
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3:05 PM
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Hi Kristi,
Kristi here, I have been following your blog since you traveled for Caleb. I enjoy your family adventures very much. I commented before but not sure you got it? Maybe you are just to busy to respond, I completely understand, three little ones myself. Just want to say Hi. Kristi
It has to be tough to have two toddlers who become instant siblings. It is hard enough when they get used to the infant and that infant grows into a toddler so...hang in there. I hate to tell you those sibling squabbles are here to stay...they just change form....(I hear until adulthood)....
LOVE to see your cuties everyday!!
It's the ebb and flow of things. Let's pray the fighting doesn't last until adulthood...I don't know if I can stand it. My boys drove an 11 year old girl to the garage today with their wrestling in the house. Spring cannot come soon enough. Everyone gets along better when we get outside more often. Can't wait to see you this weekend--still haven't told the kids you are coming. Yeah!!
So correct me if I'm wrong, but in order to conquer the clutter, I'll need another house? Why didn't I think of that??? I'll bet it's quieter, too...
I'm just sayin...
And any combo of my kids can be in a knock-down drag-out in a matter of seconds...just so you don't feel too alone. Not too much biting, except for those older two...
Kristi - I love your honesty in your posts...and I can only imagine what it's like having 2 toddlers all the time! Take one hour at a time, and remember everything you are feeling is normal, and you are doing the best you can! I think it's funny you got rid of your "stash", but maybe it doesn't have to go away forever! I know I hate looking at pictures of myself too, but I think the stress of the past few months ice cream was my weakness! Hang in there, and thanks for sharing. You will/are a huge help to me to know that the feelings I will have as a new Mommy are normal! :)
Ok, so I love Cindy's comment about needing another house to control the clutter. I keep trying to get my parents to buy the one next to me so I can store my clutter over there. If they would, I can't even imagine how nice my garage would be. I thought it was a great idea...and they could have their own private get away when they come down to visit.
Such a sweet picture. I hope the peace treaty is still holding:-)
oh my gosh! its like you have twins! i can't remember the term in the adoption community, but there is one for two kids the same age. wish i could remember! i admire all you do, you are a fabulous mom!
I'm so praying for you right now!
I can only imagine that the stress of two house, minimal belongings and being stuck inside is all adding to the tension. Hang in there!!!
BTY, I love the idea of a "clean up post." I may be doing that soon!
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