Saturday night was our church Halloween Carnival. I remember working it as a teenager in youth group (its always been sponsored by the junior and senior high MYF). Sometime in my "young adult years," the church stopped hosting the event ~ I think due to new sensitivity to Halloween ~ but a few years ago we (some adults who grew up in the church that worked with the youth and had fond memories of the carnival) decided to bring it back. For several years I was there "behind the scenes" making sure all the games were manned, keeping a supply of helium filled balloons, and giving out tickets at the door. I've enjoyed the evening making a big deal of all my friend's kids dressed up in their Halloween costumes...
This year it was all different! Finally Ian and I were the parents taking our child around to play games and participate in Trunk or Treat. I LOVED IT ~ being a Mommy is so fun!!!
"First pumpkins, then a costume, now you say something about getting candy in bags? What is it with fall?"
"All I have to do is put this bean bag through this hole and someone will give me a prize? SWEET!!!"
"Can you say STRIKE baby? Oh, and after you do, please hand over another Tootsie Roll!" Life will never be the same, Kylie had just sampled her first Tootsie Roll and LOVED it...
"Woo hoo ~ Katie let me reach into the prize bucket last time I played the Lucky Duck game and I saw Tootsie Rolls in there!"
After games and a hay ride, it was time for Trunk or Treat. At first Kylie was slow to catch on to the idea, but before we passed many cars she would smile, hold out her hand, drop the candy in her bag, and then squeal with excitement as we headed to the next car. Too cute!
Of course her favorite car was Aunt Traci's where Adam was playing guitar, Traci and both her grandmas were passing out candy, and she got to sit in the back with pumpkins.
"Nothing to see here..."
"Okay, you caught me, I ate the whole thing!"
We stayed to help turn the carnival atmosphere back into a sanctuary for the next morning. Kylie got really excited when the drums were set back up...
She loves playing drums, maybe she can help Mr. John next week in the praise team!
And what night of sweet madness would be complete without a Butterfinger Sonic Blast at Sonic?
And yes, we paid for all the sugar at bedtime, but it was SO worth it!!!
Ok -- that is WAY TOO FUNNY! Anne Marie has the same costume for this year too!! I just took her pictures in it the other day to make "halloween cards" for all our family!! Kylie is so cute in it!
Hartzler Family
Kylie needs a drum set for Christmas! She's pretty good!
Cute costume.
Oh my gosh, she is just precious!! I wish my pumpkin could come over and see your lady bug and play! :)
Okay- I'm looking at your comments, and thinking "hmmm" about the first comment- my maiden name is Hartzler. :)
Thanks for commenting on my blog. I love your comments. :)
Absolutely adorable... cute as a bug in a rug ! :0)
thanks for your comment on my blog too. I'm actually the one who read Maddy's TB test as I'm a RN. I was on the phone with the nurse from the International Adoption clinic and she was telling me what to do. I reminded her that I'm pretty certain Maddy had the BCG vaccine but she said that 10MM of induration is considered positive for anyone who comes from a country with high TB. :0( Guess we'll be doing the INH for 9 months.
Oh my gosh!
she is so cute!!
you are so lucky to have such a cute baby onboard!!
P.S I want a ladybug!!
Come they told me pa rum pa pa pum!
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