Since last Thursday I've been following the website of a fellow AWAA family. They are in China right now, basically repeating our trip exactly 8 weeks later. That has caused me to take some time to go back and read my posts from our "trip of a lifetime" and watch as much footage as we have back from my brother-in-law on DVD. And reliving our trip has made me miss being in such a beautiful, fascinating, and even "unfamiliar" country. Despite some of our political differences with China, I will always hold it close to my heart. After all, it is the home of our beloved daughter!
Perhaps most of the reason that I miss China is because I miss the families that we came to love there. Some of us were first time parents, some already parents to 4, but we all were together in that beautiful moment in a small, hot room when we became parents to our Lianjiang girls. We had play dates and birthday parties together, ate meals together, shopped together, figured out the metro system together, hit the touristy spots (and some "not so touristy spots") together and asked one another for advice on everything from sleeping to introducing solids.
Ian and I are so lucky that in the next two months we may be able to see as many as 6 of our fellow Guangdong families ~ we pray that folks will be home on the weekends we are traveling to (or at least passing through) their area. One that we know for sure we will be seeing is Caroline's family. (They live less than two hours from my grandfather in Ohio) Caroline's mom and I have been sending emails back and forth the past week or so catching up more than just watching each other's websites.Looks like our girls are up to some of the same behavior ~ like peas in a pod ~ despite the distance!
One funny thing is that they are opposites on what Caroline's mommy told me she likes to eat. Caroline loves applesauce and bananas (which Kylie finds yucky!) and Kylie can't get enough sweet potatoes or carrots (to which Caroline says NO!). Oh I can't wait until those two get to see one another again. And I hope that we get to see the other 5 families as well, we miss the bond with all of them so much. Not to say that we don't love it here in NC with our family and friends, but our time with the other families in China was so precious!
(In case you are wondering, a regular diaper holds an AMAZING amount of water...)
I SO miss the families that we traveled with as well! I know how you feel.
Where did you get Kylie's water table?? I love it! I've been looking for one everywhere and I can't find one!
Hi Ian and Kristi,
I'm still home on maternity leave and do not often have computer access so this is the first time I've viewed your blog. Kylie is just beautiful. We also miss the China families very much. It was such a fabulous experience. Maggie is doing great-such a blessing. If you are ever up our way, Dublin, Virginia, make sure you stop by for a visit. We will keep your family in our prayers.
Jennifer and Scott Shartzer
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